need to restart computer to resume internet.


Does it ever happen to you?
Lately my internet speed would just trickle to 0 and I have to restart computer to restore the internet.
I called my provider and they tested it normal when I would test it along with them it would show download speed slower than upload.
Can someone help?
I have G5 iMac running latest Tiger...
I have cable internet and was expirencing the same problem. I would usually recycle the cable modem by completly unplugging it for about a minute and then it would be better. I also had an issue where my service provider placed a video filter on the incoming cable, well as it turns out the internet signal does not do well through that filter, and once it was off my connection improved quite a bit.
I have DSL with around 5Mg speed.
This problem does not affect upload.
Download, however, slows to a crawl after about half an hour.
The only way to remedy this is to restart the computer. Turning the modem
off/on doe not help.
Can someone help?