Need to start Apache 2.0 instead of that prebundled with Mac OS X


Hi all,

I just migrated to Mac OS X 10.2.3 ... installed Apache 2.0 into


... works fine when I start it from terminal with

/usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start

... however when I use the System Preferences > Sharing to start the web server, it loads up the old version of Apache that came with Mac OS X ...

how do I point mac os x to start the new one and how do I configure Apache 2.0 to enable individual user accounts like


... kekek ... thanx a lot anyway fer the great efforts of everyone that contributed to the unix world or open source software ... and the great helpful people that support blur users like me on the forums !!! three cheers for everyone ...

p.s : hope that i will someday be able to help out in the forum ... just give me a few months .. just u all wait ... hahah
Well I tried that already thanx ... but it was not what i intended. I thought of replacing the Apache that came with the system ... but thanx a lot fer the time ...

I explored around these few days and thought maybe the answer could lie in

1) replacing the /usr/bin/httpd, /usr/bin/apachectl, /usr/sbin/httpd, and /usr/sbin/apachectl with those built by apache2 ...


2) add some stuff into the /System/Library/StartupItems ...

either way .. a couple of caution ...
1) your system could be real messed up like m ine ... which would require reinstalling ... kekeke =(

2) dont forget to backup ... backup ... and back more stuff up !!! ... you wont regret it!!!!!

neway enjoy everyone! ... life is a route of trial and errors. =c)
Originally posted by ethanS
Well I tried that already thanx ... but it was not what i intended.

What happened? What was the problem?

I thought of replacing the Apache that came with the system ... but thanx a lot fer the time ...

Yikes, don't do that!!

OK, you will definately need to turn off web-sharing in the control panel. That is hard-coded to start up the built-in Apache.

Then just add the startup package to /Library/StartupItems. You shouldn't add things to /System/Library/StartupItems...Apple owns that and when upgrades happen you may lose your changes

Again, if you give us more details about what went wrong, we will be able to help you.
well i have a question..

is there a plist file or something that apple uses to map WEBSEVER=-NO- to the start web server option in the pref pane?