Netflix v. WoW


iKnow (sometimes)
I have a very difficult choice. Im gonna commit to one monthly service, but i dunno if that should be netflix or a WoW (world of warcraft) subscription. Help Please!
i'm not a big gamer, so i would go with Netflix

Read this that's pretty much my view of a pay for play game online, quoted that like crazy when my friends were trying to get me to Play Final Fantasy XI with them online. Ironically no one i know play FFXI anymore.
I've been with NetFlix since its big bang. I also played UO for 4 1/2 years.

At the time I wouldn't give up UO (until I finally quit because they completely ruined the game). Now I wouldn't give up up Netflix unless they started to suck.

So, basically, you've got a tough choice ahead of you. I'd go Netflix, tho'.
Oh...the irony...

I quit WoW because it's very time consuming...I just started netflix, cuz I wanted to watch alot of movies and I can do it whenever it's convenient for me.

For WoW, you have to watch for downtime, lag time, populated time, raid time, etc....
it is a tough choice. i love movies (not a netflix member tho), but i also like WoW. They both let me step away from reality, but with WoW, I don't have to worry about Hollywood throwing me another lemon. There are some real crap movies out there that are superficially cool-seeming. WoW is what u make of it. (I dont experience many problems [1 night out of a month so far] w/ lag, population explosions, or raids)
I've been with netflix since the beginning. I think you'll like it better. Lots of movies and tv shows and it lets me get caught up on a lot of things I normally wouldn't pay to see in the theater. Plus I commute by train to work, so it's nice to watch a movie instead of reading a book sometimes. Go with Netflix....