Netscape X Rulez...


Staff member
Okay... using 10.1...

IE just doesn't cut it... Netscape X rulez. Pages load SUPER FAST... interface still needs to be polished, but in BETA its better than IE's released product for OS X. None of the new name browser have grown on me...

I agree, although I switch between the nightly builds of Mozilla and OmniWeb 4.1sp1 pretty frequently. Incidentally, they've finally fixed in Mozilla that annoying bug where it would take all of the available processor. I'm not sure if this made the cut for Netscape 6.1, but it's beautiful to see my CPU monitor below 10% while web browsing.
Man, I'd really like to try the new Netscape but it won't download. :( You guys are talking about the 6.1 preview, right?
Yesa... but if they still haven't got the interface looking like an osx app...

i'd really like that...

aside from that it's a web designers nightmare, because stuff that should work *just doesn't* :-)

No, I think they're refering to Mozilla. This has become my default browser in X. It's faster than IE, especially with hotmail strangely enough, and supports all the CSS and DOM standards. For those people saying it is a web designers nightmare, I suggest you take the time to look up the standards at Even Apple has a page at the developer central on how to use Javascript so that it's compatible between IE and Moz. What this means is that if you use the method getElementById() to access DOM elements you can basically code once for IE and Moz. If you keep on trying to use dreamweaver and propietry Javascript, you will have problems as the document.all collection is IE only. You might find that IE5 on the mac (for classic) doesn't display everything the same way as Moz or IE5 for X but on the PC Moz and IE are almost completely interchangable.....

...unless they have outdated Javascript to detect and use NS4
i see your point... all in all i'm happy with mozilla as a browser - generally it's stable & it works... and most of our JS is mozilla compatable...

writing nice cross platform js is what I do - and yes, I do use dreamweaver to write most of my js - but that's only because i've become lazy.

dreamweaver does nice detection for ie & netscape differences, and is officially ns 6 compatible (though i'm yet to see it)

if you are smart, you can pretty much keep doing what you've always done...

and worst comes to worst (i haven't tried it... but it might work) you could assing document.all = document in netscape :-)
Which build of Mozilla are you using?

I am using the same one for about 3 weeks now (and is by far the best browser for reliance and speed combined). I tried updating to one of those nightly builds a few weeks back but it kept crashing so changed back to the original. So what build number?

Seriously folks, Mozilla is great for OSX, they've got it spot on.
In addition to the fix for CPU hogging and the dual-processor fixes mentioned above,
a number of usability enhancements have showed up in builds over the last few weeks:

1. In the last few days, they fixed the window maximize behavior so that it respects the Dock location (yay!)

2. Tabbed windows

3. Gesture support (ala Opera) via OptiMoz
How do you get netscape? Everytime I try and download it not matter which site I use, it say something about passive mode and then the connection times out.
But actually Yagel Netscape 6 is the closest thing ti W3c compliant, it is explorer that is not standardized (but because of market share does it make you standard?) I have been working with Netscape (not for) the past 3 years and seen some ups and downs in the company, i hope with this release they can go back to being the great browser and company they were before AOhell came along.
I went to version tracker and did a check for Netscape X, as I couldn't find Netscape X on Netscape's site.

Don't get Netscape. It's always outdated, as it gets its source from the development and adds bloat to it.

should give you a nice version.

Nightly builds haven't crashed on me for a long time now. If one does, wait two days and get a newer build.

Also keep the latest released version (right now it's 0.94 I believe) handy if the nightlies get very unstable.

Best browsing experience. Load the thing and hit Apple-T (cmd-t) for tabbed window feature.
I'm really not into all these little browsers, I'd just like something that works and is stable. I've only used IE ... I tried netscape 6 when it first came out on my friend's PC we shared at the time, but it sucked ass.

I'd really like to try the new Netscape if it works good, but it won't download. Even off versiontracker. if someone could put it up on an ftp or something that would be cool .. but I dunno if I want to mess with 'nightly builds' of mozilla or whatever. (sorry, i dunno anything about browsers or software)
Originally posted by uoba
Which build of Mozilla are you using?

I am using the same one for about 3 weeks now (and is by far the best browser for reliance and speed combined). I tried updating to one of those nightly builds a few weeks back but it kept crashing so changed back to the original. So what build number?

I'm currently on build 2001101021, basically the one that was there as of 8 AM this morning. I have a cron job that does

curl -O -s

and another one that has StuffIt expand the file. Basically, every morning I have a new version...
Originally posted by themacko
II'd really like to try the new Netscape if it works good, but it won't download. Even off versiontracker. if someone could put it up on an ftp or something that would be cool .. but I dunno if I want to mess with 'nightly builds' of mozilla or whatever. (sorry, i dunno anything about browsers or software)

Here's a link to a good, stable branch build that even comes packaged up all pretty in a .app bundle and a disk image. It's off the very stable .94/.95 branch, which is due to be branded off into a new Netscape release any day now, so it's pretty polished.