network access not allowed for admin

27 houdini's

guy with great hairdo
I have problem accessing my own computer(computer a) using the admin user and password from another computer (computer b) on a network. i tired fixing it with keychain access but it does not help. Anyone any clues?

user A has admin priviliges on computer A
user B has admin priviliges on computer B

logged in as user A on computer A I want to log in on computer B on as user B (using name and password of user B).

to do so i choose network in the left column of a finder window, or sometimes i use command K.

To log in from compter A into Computer B I use the name and password i use when starting up the computer B. The message is "wrong password".
it's not the capslock i can tell you
Someone suggested: "Resetting your pw with the boot disk doesn't quite reset everything the way it should. Try changing your pw to something else, then change it back to what you had it before. That may help. It usually fixes issues with auto login and keychains."
But I cannot change the password in system preferences, because my admin password (the same i use to log in) is not recognized! ain't that funny
Can you log to your computer B with userdata B (not over the network; just regularly)? If that doesn't work, then you will need to reset the password. Boot into the installation CD on computer B and you will have the option to reset the password.
However, if regular login works fine and you simply seem to be unable to log into computer B over the network, I would just un-share the folders and then re-share. Make sure to not restrict the sharing at least for testing.