Network Analyzing Tools



I was wandering if anyone knows of any good, free, network analyzing tools for MacOS X. I am looking for something equivelant to NetworkView for Windows. A utility that will seek out all the devices on the network and display indepth information concerning them.

Thank you.

Greg Sienkiewicz
Computer System Technician
Thank you. That is a very good site, certainly contained several intersting applications.

Greg Sienkiewicz
Computer System Technician
What are you trying to do? You already have the best tools right there.
I you want to snif use tcpdump.
There is traceroute, ping , nmap, etc.
I dunno if there is a mac version of iptraf, that is a must!
Ettercap is worth checking out too. Requires a bit more effort to figure out, but its a very effective traffic analyser.