Network configuration



How can I, via the command line, set up a machine to use DHCP rather tahn a fixed address?
And, how can I, also via command line, set the DNS server to use?
This is stored in /var/db/SystemConfiguration/preferences.xml, and I can easily write short perl commands to do the setup, but is there a better way of configuring this?


I guess you want to use internet access from a Unix app? otherwise just set the settings you want in the Network pane, that's a lot easier
Hey, kult med nordmenn! ;)
Yeah, it should be possible in some way, have you tried to locate the network prefs .plist file and open it in a command line based text editor, and make the changes there directly to the file? I'm going to try that, I'll get use for it when I get my new 100 GB drive and Darwin installed on a seperate partition for experimenting :D