Network connectivity randomly shuts down


I've tried both our tech mailing list and a Google search to find a good answer for my connectivity problem, but have not found a solution yet. I'm hoping someone here can help.

I have had these freakish network outages on my G4 Quicksilver for awhile now (over a year). I'll be working along, and then for no apparent reason, my connectivity is dropped (cannot access email, iChat connection drops, unable to reach any websites, you get the picture). All of the other computers on my network are still connected, so it's pretty obvious that it's only happening to the G4. A reboot always (without exception) restores the connection to the internet. Timing appears to be random. Sometimes it happens after being up for a few hours, sometimes it happens after only a few minutes. Sometimes I can go days without it happening, but then it eventually does happen. Oddly, I went through a period of 6 months or so last year where the problem never happened, but then late last year it started happening again.

Here's what I've tried to resolve it. I've done an nv-ram reset. I've done several iterations of permission fixes. Last November I upgraded from 10.3.9 to Tiger hoping that would resolve the problem (note, it was an upgrade, not a clean install). The problem is still here.

I have found a way to reset the connection using Terminal:
sudo ifconfig en0 down
sudo ifconfig en0 up

The above brings the connection back up, but it goes back down within a few minutes. A reboot, however, keeps the connection up much longer (hours and/or days), so a reboot must reset something else that the above does not.

That's where I am today. I'm trying to avoid having to do a clean install of Tiger (due to the painful number of 3rd party re-installs that will be required), not to mention I'm not certain it will resolve it.

Any suggestions?
Well, I would suggest a fresh install in my opinion. When it does go down do both network cards go down at the same time? Does only one ever go down? Or do they go down at seperate times?
Last year I got my first Mac (MBP C2D - OS X) at work. Taking at home I had no problems connecting it to my wireless router (Netgear WGU624). Everything worked fine till I upgraded the BIOS of the router. Suddenly I had many problems. If the machine connects it looses the connection after a while. A friend who came over used his machine (MBP C2D - Windows XP) and conncted to my network without any problems. So I went and loaded Bootcamp and XP on my machine, too and experienced no problems here. Under OS X I still loose the connection every 30-45 minutes. A third computer (MBP CD - OS X) has no problems either. I'm at a loss on what to do? After working on Windows for many years, I would reload the driver or rebuild the system. But with OS X I was expecting not to have to do this. Where would I even find the driver?

Right now the fix is going into the System Preferences ==> Network and to edit the network. I use WPA and after I reenter the password and apply it, the connection is back.

Stuffy try doing this, it MAY help:

1. Open Terminal (/Applications/Utilties/Terminal)
2. At the prompt type this: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Resources/airport -a
3. Restart

See if this helps.