Network printer problem, please help!


Ive got a Network printer (Attached to my lan).

My printer is a Samsung CPL-510N (laser).
Ive got a MacBook Pro (OS X Lepard)!

What do I have to do to print over the network, I´m a Mac noob.

Kind regards;
Ted Wiberg -

This is the procedure I used to add HPLJ5 on Windows network so yours shouldnt be that different...

assuming your Samsung has a network address on your lan at a fixed IP

Spotlight for printers, then pick 'print & fax', the print & fax dialogue should open

Click the + (add) sign bottom left, select IP at the top

Your install may differ slightly as I see a list:

Internet printing protocol
Line printer Daemon - LPD
HP Jet direct - socket (<< selected for me, yours may differ, but you need to select the network socket for your Samsung printer server network card)

so hopefully, it should show your type of network socket

Add the printers IP to 'Address' ie or whatever the IP is

its actually quite intelligent at identifying printers as you change IP if you have several!

select a driver & test print

Im not sure if OSx has generic drivers for your printer, you may have to download them.


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Ive got a Network printer ....

My printer is a Samsung CPL-510N (laser).

What do I have to do to print over the network, I´m a Mac noob.

The_LioN is trying to tell you that you must use a CUPS driver for your printer in a networked environment. Unfortunately, your cheap printer does not work terribly well as a CUPS printer. You can find the best available CUPS driver here.