Network problems


PLease hwlp i´m desperate.

I´ve already post a thread, and no one help me with my problem.

The mac OS 9 don´t comunnicate with the Win 2000 server, but the

mac OS 10 that are in the same network can comunnicate.

What should i do?
Mac OS 9 and older can't connect to Windows shares (SMB) natively from the operating system. Those versions only support AppleTalk.

As of 10.2, OS X supports SMB natively. OS X 10.0 and 10.1 also don't support SMB natively.

Your options are the following:
1.) Enable AppleTalk File Sharing in Windows 2000 Server and through the Computer Management (which comes up when you right click My Computer and select "Manage") select the Shares option and create a share from there...this will also give you the option to share to older Macs using AppleTalk. (If AppleTalk File Sharing is not installed on the server, go to Control Panel-->Windows Components and install it through there. This might require the Win2K Install CD unless you've copied the i386 folder from the CD to the server. Do this before you do the above.)

2.) Head to and buy a copy of DAVE. This allows you to have access to Windows shares and Windows Domains from the Macintosh running Mac OS 9 or older.