Network update in software update


mac shaman
"The Networking Update improves network and Internet access after restarting your computer or when waking from sleep."

could this be the cure for the sticky mouse and such?:D
Have you checked your memory?

Up until I replaced the 512MB memory stick in my iBook, I had problems waking it up from sleep consistently. I had lots of reboots. The problem was pinpointed to the memory stick, the stick was replaced, and now I have yet to have a single sleep/wake/restart problem.
I haven't had a problem since the update. and i seriously doubt it is my memory. In fact, i seriously doubt my memory causes any troubles. (unless i need to find my car keys:p )
Could be coincedental, but since the network update OSX won't release its DHCP address. Every now and then I lose my P address. When I log into the router it stil shows the IP address as taken. The only way I can free up this IP address, and get the Mac to pick up a new one is to power cycle the router and bring my other machines down as well. If there is one thing I hate doing its trawling the forums on a PC to fix the Mac.