network volumes and finder problem


HampCake Studios
i have a problem with the finder when i try to mount a network volume.
i have two macs with two homes named "3mors", both osx 10.4.5 (but it happened also on 10.4.3 or 10.4.4) and this happens only on one of them, if i mount my network home from one of my macs, it doesn't appears on the finder, no problem with the other network volumes, only with the one named "3mors".
using terminal or "go to folder" menu i can reach it (so it's mounted) but it's not shown on the desktop as the other volumes, on the finder in the root folder and on the sidebar.

any help?
no, the volumes have different names, only the two homes have the same name: "3mors"
i had no problem 'til 10.4.2 and this problem happens only on one of the macs