networking mac 2 pc


probably the wrong forum for this, but anyway....

i have an imac. my cousin has a windows box running windows 2000 professional. can we network? how? is there a site someone can direct me to that explains it all?

Setup a share on your cousins machine.
Hit Command + K. Type smb://+ the IP or DNS or whatever of your cousins machine + the name of the share. Logon.

ie: smb://

I do it all the time. Although I have heard of people's kernal panicing when connecting.
I connect to my PC using my wifes iMac and the above info works. however i am unsure how to access the iMac with the PC unless you have services for macintosh installed. and i think only windows servers have that option.
Oh, either get Mac OS X v10.2 (It has Windows File Sharing built in) or Dave or some other 3rd party software or enable FTP server on your Mac.
Somebody further up said to install SAMBA, that package is a Public Domain SMB server, which means ou can setup almost anypart of your Mac to be visible to the PC. There is a Samba Services Control Pannel which make the setup a snip.
Remember to set your Win2k machine to enable file sharing. That was the bummer part I forgot when I was networking the Win2k machines in my office.
In regards to the Samba option.

I could not find a Mac OSX Samba client on the web site.

My issue is that I can connect to my PC (Windows 2000 Server) with file shares but when I attempt to connect to my Mac (OSX 10.2.1) through the share that is created when you enable Windows File Sharing, I get a list of directories but do not have rights to them and I do not know how to create file shares as donw in Windows. Any help would be appreciated.
