Networking pc to mac via bluetooth??


Ok here it is This is what I have

PC- wont bore you all with the spec.
Ibook g4
Sony Erricson t610

all have bluetooth

I can share files between them all and use the net on them all via cable but i have 1 question to ask. In the near future i will have wi fi for i tunes ect. but I want to be able to control my PC with my mac and control my pc with my phone in the same way I can control my mac with my phone.
because i have over 300gig of music on the pc (wich is running Itunes) that is connected to a 800 watt hi fi via a very good card gold leads ect i want to be able to do this.

Thanks in advance.
300 GB ? That's 100'000 songs ? or you didn't compress at all ?
The easiest is to buy an external FireWire disk (and it will be a good back-up).
Ok, your title and your description tell different stuff.
Are you looking for a way to remotely control your pc and mac? Or are you trying to a bluetooth connection between the two comps? If you are going to have wifi soon, why would you bother with bluetooth?
As for remote control: don't know about PC but for Mac use Salling Clicker or Romeo
sorry for the confusion i want to be able to control the pc via bluetooth from my phone and/or mac and in the near future i want to also be able to use wi fi from the mac to control the pc.
remote control PC via bluetooth cell: wrong forum ;)
remote control Mac via bluetooth cell: check out Salling Clicker or Romeo (see my previous post)
remote control PC via wifi Mac: rdc