networking solutions


I'm an experienced Windows network Admin and recently need to work on a mixed environments with OS 9, OS X, NT and Win2k.

Current network / computer include the following:
NT domain, File server with MACserverIP 7, 5 x OS 9, 2 x Panther. all under the same subnet.

What I'm trying to accomplish are:
Best proformance for file sharing between MAC and Windows servers (eventually 2003 Active Diretory), and upgrade all the OS 9 to OS X. I already put in giga switches into the network, and going to wire all the MAC with cat6 cable to get giga connection between all the MAC and servers. My research yielded the files sharing soloutions: MACserverIP 8.0, ExtremIP, and DAVE. I did some testing under OS 10 and it seems that DAVE is faster in terms of file transerfering and basically turened the MAC to a PC networkwise. Am I going to the right direction? How much speed will I gain by wiring all the MAC with giga connections. Any other suggestions are highly apprieciated.

The problems:
With DAVE installed, the panther can't see the network from the finder everytime I rebooted. However I can always ping and resolve the name of all the servers on the network and browse the internet. then I have to renew the ip or change to static ip, or diactive DAVE or something like that in the network setup. the network then will become visible in the finder. I've tried all kinds of different settings, the network in and it didn';t make any difference. meanwhile all the OS 9 machine is functional properly. The network will disappear after a period of time, also my mounted drive disappears after reboot. DO I need use Wins server? I'm thinking that I don't need it since I can resolve all the names. I can't figure out where is problem is. the network in finder just keep on and off for no reasons that I can tell.

I'm still in the testing stage of the migration, and don't have to stick with any product, please recommend anything work well with Windows 2003 Active directory.
