Nevous (Intel rumours)

Originally posted by binaryDigit
So anyway. I think this topic has been beaten to death now. So I'll just get my parting shots in now.

Because I don't want to beat it anymore :rolleyes: and I'm sure that you know I have things to say about your points and I'm sure that you would have about the possible points of mine but I'll just sum it this way... ;)

-I prefer and expect Apple to go with 970
-I prefer AMD if Apple will not go with 970
-I don't prefer Intel for many reasons and being the half part of the Dark Side is one of them :D


Not sure if this is related, but a guy I know who is well connected to Apple, called me yesterday and told me to "buy Apple stock" before next week.

They are planning something...
Originally posted by evildan
Not sure if this is related, but a guy I know who is well connected to Apple, called me yesterday and told me to "buy Apple stock" before next week.

They are planning something...

Your friend wouldn't already own Apple stock would he? ;) I wasn't sure if "they" meant Apple or "they" meant your friend ;)
Ya know, if that guy is a stock broker, and he has Apple stock, that could be classed as insider-trading..