new adobe thread - expired serial number

Maybe I should shed a small light here, from experiences elsewhere.
Basically what I think is not deemed "acceptable" are links to warez, and serialz, and ways to cracking software for teh purpose of getting software that you havent paid for which is illegal. From there on clever hacking of software you have paid for in order to make it do cool trick and such is acceptable, at least in other places where they have very strict policies about warez postings and such, and in places where such topics are supera taboo.

just think before you post :p
(and dont ask "where can I find surfer?" :p)

Now as for setting the date back, that is standard procedure :p --- I think I did that a few times when I wanted to put the PB back on to play with it :p

why does it seem this board has so many posts about warez and crap?

can we just not use this domain for that? go talk about that crap somewhere else.
Am I the only one answering the question?

You have a beta (build) copy of photoshop 7. It may not look like a beta but I asure you it is. Its not the serial thats expired its the app.
As you say short term fix: set your date back
Long time fix: download or buy Full version of photoshop.
Originally posted by sandsl
like I said- you do have a beta build is your serial is expiring

hmm, but it has the final splash screen and the version number does not have any fishy beta looking numbers.
Yeh I know I've had the same copy. It says its final theres no 'beta' anywhere and the splash screen doesn't say 'beta' but it is a beta build. It was produced by Adobe as the last build before GM (gold master) -this was distributed to developers and found its way onto the web as Photoshop 7 Final
that totally sucks. I hate shi t like that. Every pre-GM build should have some mark somewhere. Now I have to find a real PS 7. Oh well, I won't be asking how to tell the difference between the two here, heheh *cough* *cough*
You can't afford Photoshop??? You need to live? But yet you where able to get a Mac??? Wow... how you pull that one off???

Buddy, I'm in the exact same boat... (actually I've had an accident which has messed up my leg so I can't take just any job and since the jobs I can do have 15 candidates for every 1 position, it led me to now being unemployed)

But you know what I did when I bought my Mac? I bought Photoshop along with it (actually the entire Adobe Design Collection), that was the point of my Mac - for design!

Having Warez is one thing when no one knows you have it, but trying to get support or give support for Warez... now that's when I lose respect!

If you are making any money with your Warez version of photoshop - I STRONLY suggest you put aside a percentage of that to save up to buy the legit version of it! (and actually make an HONEST attempt at buying it), That only sounds fair, right?
yes i do not give or ask for warez support on public forums lol. Just this thread took the wrong turn. I bought my mac with money i made. I had to buy it.

Since I have not been forced to buy photoshop, I haven't yet. Money is a very lucrative, rare item these days.
hi everyone. i have recently become a co-moderator of this forum. As such i have taken the action of deleteing those parts of solrac's original post that included his failed and successful attempts to make his illegal software functional. Instructions for doing so will not be acceptable in this forum.

there is no problem with discussing the pros and cons of warez or of admitting you use it and incriminating yourself. that's allowed;)

solrac - you came dangerously close in that first post to committing a major 'don't' - asking for an illegal serial number. While discussing betas, the morality of warez and even announcing serial numbers have expired, are acceptable, asking for or giving info that will contribute to the use of illegal software is not.
oh right, I didn't mean to ask for a new serial number. I've been getting those myself for a loong time now hehehe
Aren't you <b>ALL</b> bored with the serial question ?

I don't think it deserves two multipage threads. Even though these are open-minded tolerant forums, I find it hard to believe people just <b>debate</b> around law. Would you make a thread about your last bath ? Well, chit-chat about serials points to the same: nothing.

So for those who forgot, I'll repeat: <b>software can be free or commercial. When commercial, thus, the software should not be stolen. The point is vital to the software producers.</b>

Please consult these threads if you still don't understand:
Even if you DO understand the point, look at the first one it's fun :).

Can I <u>respectfully</u> ask people who do pay their software not to post here, so they don't incite non-payers to write out such stupid, useless threads ?
and you get what you deserve, solrac.

For the love of Jobs, please stop
your belly achin'. If your warez don't
work, don't come whining to us.
I was laughing my arse off when people couldn't update to Illustrator 10.0.1. Adobe had to post an updated updater, finally. What was found out later? Even some people who DIDN'T pirate Illu 10 couldn't update. Why? Because the first thing they do when they get their package is to make a disk image and install from that, in order to avoid breaking the CD *ever*. But in fact the installation from disk image rendered the legally installed Illustrator unupgradable, because some files did get a strange creation date when installing that way.

The updater was checking those files, because it knew that the final beta (golden master) would have a different creation date, albeit the 'real' version code-wise.

This explanation in turn let warez-traders use their illegally acquired copies of Illu 10 again, by simply ********* again. (I know this might put me in trouble with Ed... Maybe you know how to edit this post so it does *not* in fact help warezers *without* taking out the funny consequence of it all?)

Well, please at least don't take this post as a reason for banning me or something. My intention was just to tell a funny tale which was (closely even) related to the topic.

Ed's note: edited out the explicit directions. I think i left the idea intact:)
censorship has always been a bigger issue than piracy. Intellectual piracy, (even if software developers think that what they produce isn't only "immaterial", and they are right in a way) give people new ways to open their mind. Censorship leads them to non-thinking.
But we had this discussion, many times, here, for instance.
There's a part of hypocrisy, may be, not talking about that here. But they are special forums for that (quiet, Ed, I won't give the links...:D ).

What is sure, is that Adobe is no longer in the "big spreading" strategy. Look at that, for instance : in the starting window, or the "About Photoshop" one, of my legal PS7, the last 4 numbers of my SN are missing.

Of course, most of us know what BBedit is for, but this is not the case for most of the common users.

Hackers will always know how to.
Those who have questions about using warez can search for them and ask them. Obviously, this forum isn't a good key for that world. If you want to have a trip in the underworld, better search for backdoors.
That's why some of you have been ask to think before writing.
HEHE. we all know what BBEdit is for :)

And someone said that we should use Graphic Converter for ****ty JPEG work. No thanks. It does not have layers. Photoshop does. I have the serial number for Graphic Converter if you guys want it. :) just kidding.

Maybe Adobe and other developers would not have such a big problem with this stuff if they dropped the prices a little. I mean... I am 17 years old. I can only get about 18 hours of work per week. I have to pay for my car... food... and other misc stuff. That leaves me $0 for anything else. I want to be in some kind of Graphic design area when I get out of school, so I need to keep up to date with all the new apps. How do I do that with no money? I find serial numbers.
Ditch the car, or use your college machines, or save up for the student price version, or buy Photoshop Elements.

Anyway, I thought Solrac and I put this thread to bed!:( :( :(

Why do people insist on inflaming the situation with silly posts (this type of thread will pop up every 3 months, just long enough for us all to forget about the last one!)