ummmm i just came here, i got an ad, and i went to my website. Then i came back here, and i had an ad again. I dont have enough money right now. And, if i get a bit of money finally, the last thing i'd spend it on would be here. Unless i got like 1000 dollars, i would contribute. But right now i have no money. Always at school someone comes in every fricken week to teach us about some science thing, or geography thing........ and then they charge money. Because of that, my pockets are empty. Now i have started work. I am doing some simple things to start out to make a bit of cash. If i spend it on, something i always had for way over a year (maybe even 2 years, i had another account). Suddenly i gotta work for Now when i come here to go into the cafe, i see an advertisement, practically an insult, saying that i'm not a true user, though i have been with the forum for a long time. It says that i dont care aobut the forum and the users.... i do care. I try my best. I made the image thread for people (and me!) to see art that we all made. I have tried to give my opinion, i GAVE it to you. I served it to you on a plate, flamebroiled, marinated in delicious juices. I gave that to you. And now, you want more from me. Sure, scott works hard to keep it running and all that. But i am not going to work for him. I am not going to give the few pennies i have left.
I am saying all this, because i have the right to. I have the right... hell, we ALL have the right to give our opinions. If it wasnt for opinion, this board would've died out. Scott made a forum.... he made the forum for people to come and chat..... rich people, poor people, everyone came. He didnt make it to beg for money. He did not create the forum as a fundraiser. he made it for people to share their ideas and opinions of computers... and hell, practically everything you can think of. He made the email program, and got ads. Does that not pay it off?
We as mac users are being insulted. It's not like we didnt notice that we havent paid. Now the ads have been stuck there. We saw about the donations on the top navbar. You didnt have to stick more things there, just incase we didnt notice the donate button. Why? To annoy us? to pay us back?
Oh no we're terrible. We joined your forum. You made the forum so we'd JOIN IT. So we do that, and you ask us for money. If you ever need money, dont ask your users. Get a job. If you already have one, then it should pay off most things. Hopefully you arent lying to us.
Dont ask us for money. Dont stick annoying advertisements inbetween our beloved threads. When we have enough money to donate, we will. Those extra ads annoy me, and make me feel like not donating, since its right in my face saying PLEASE GIVE ME MONEY!
We kno where the donations button is. I see it every time i come here. You dont need the extra ads.... you dont need them.......