New Apple & Mac Web Site

thanks for the spelling note. I spell checked all the other pages but forgot that one.

Yes, I'll add your link if you can do the same for me please. Thanks :)

Originally posted by Surfer
nice one!

I have also started a little mac site, its under major construction but will be fully online pretty soon... go to

Let me know what you think?
Uh oh!

Another competing forum site.:eek:

Ahhh... I'm not worried. I've strayed from before, but always come back within hours/days. :)

So the icons seem a little WinowsXP-ish, but otherwise I like it.
I wouldn't call it a competeing site... I plan on offering many features, not only forums.

Anyway, I updated the look of the site, take a new look and let me know what you think...

Originally posted by jaredbkt
I've recently put together a new Apple and Mac web site. I would love some feedback. Some sections are still being updated and a few new graphics and screen shots are being made. I should have everything finalized by the end of Monday. I’m also thinking of adding a forum sometime in the near future. Thank you for your time.


I really like your site, with it's clean fast "interface", specially the links section which provides a good resume of all the good mac-pages out there. But there is one link you HAVE to add: Versiontracker

Very nice site! :) I love the interface; it's simple, it loads quickly, and it's very Mac-like. It's a great site for new Mac users coming from Windows, as well as PC users thinking of buying a Mac.

I've only noticed one problem with it so far: On the Mac OS X Basics page, there is a bunch of code showing in the middle of the top toolbar. This seems to only happen with OmniWeb, as I tried it with Mozilla and it was fine. All the other pages worked fine with that top toolbar in OmniWeb, it's only Mac OS X Basics that gets a little screwed up in OmniWeb.

I also think you should add features for more advanced users, but it's a great site for Mac beginners.
