New Apple Movies (Ads...?)


Walking No-Fun Ball
SpyMac pointed me to some new Apple movies showcasing Mac OS X Jaguar. Seem pretty neat, and I spotted this heading in the man's email inbox in the Junkmail movie...

Anyway, anyone have ideas to what these movies are? Possibly new ads? Are they bagging the 'Switch' campaign? I don't know. I'm just throwing out ideas. What do you think?


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I liked them. They are sometimes funny, sometimes quirky, and sometimes edgy. I really hope they do something with them. Thanks for the link. :)

Do you it yourself hehe... :D
I sure hope there's a way out of the Switch ads very, very soon... The zoom one would make a great TV ad, I think. Some of the others, too. Like the iChat one. :)
I'm not sure that these would make good TV ads. The Zoom and Mail one might, but the X running around all over the place and the express yourself ones are just confusing. I mean, if you want people to even know what the hell Jaguar is, I'm not sure having the X running around will do it.
I knew I should have saved them. :( My friend most definitely saved copies, though. ;) I'll call him up.
i was wondering what was going on....curse you apple for your constant teasings... ;)

edit: yea, good i would really like to see them
Thanks for posting those spots! Wow, "Zoom" is awesome and should definitely hit the airwaves. A lot of folks won't know exactly what it's about but it should pique curiosity. And I think existing Mac users, whom Apple is trying to get to upgrade to Jaguar, would get it. Above all, though, it's an image ad. It just reinforces one of Apple's biggest selling points: cool.
I liked "Xpress Yourself" (the iChat/Mac OS X ad) and "On the Loose" too. "Junk Mail" was OK but could have been more effective if it better illustrated how Mail can filter out junk. And "Find Youself" was just, well, silly.
I really like them. Some are just silly, and some make really good ads. A nice, fun mix.

Um... by the way, the times of these "ads" are 46, 50, 40, 37, and 20 seconds.... usually TV ads are bought in increments of 15 seconds.... 15, 30, 45, or 60.... I mean, it's possible Apple will either buy weird time slots, or alter these to be shorter or longer... but who knows exactly where these are headed?