New Apple Wired Keyboard


Think Different
OMG I got mine today from the Apple store and I LOVE IT! I have the newer (not newest) iMacs but it had the old keyboard. I was wondering though ... the F1 & F2 keys ect. are a bit different, but they still work like the old keyboard. Is there a way to make the keyboard brighten darken with F1 and 2 and have the play pause ect?

If you don't understand what I am talking about then I'll try to explain more.

I like the keyboard as well. Very cool indeed. Wish it was wireless, but don't want a small new wireless keyboard.
I suppose the small keyboard has another purpose. Control you iMac from your couch. Not to have full control of your Excel spreadsheet but to have full control of FrontRow or to have a video chat with iChat.
Yea I wish they had a full sized wireless, I don't like the fact that it doesn't have the number pad on the side. I HATE typing with the 12345 on the side... I always use the side thingy.
I don't see whats so bad about it, i'm used to not having numbers on the side. I think it's fine.
Of _course_ you don't see what's bad about it if you don't care about it! ;) If, however, you'd have to enter large amounts of numbers for hours, a dedicated number keypad is the one thing keeping you from going nuts.

The previous (full) wireless keyboard was something a lot of PowerBook/MacBook users bought, because it got them both a wireless keyboard plus the number keypad. The new wireless keyboard is nice, I think, but not a full keyboard. If they really cared about couch potatoes who want to use their computer from the sofa, they'd also have added a trackpad to it, since a mouse is not the perfect thing for a sofa, even when wireless. (A nice wireless keyboard with trackpad would be perfect, I think.)
I updated the software on my 20" Intel iMac to use this new keyboard, and I can't get the dashboard or expose' keys to function. All of the other new, special keys work. I'm not crazy about the feel of the new keyboard, and only purchased it because my old one was sacrificed to the coffee god this morning.