New awesome rackmount server!!!


Unofficial Mac Genius
Dual GHz G4 server!
256 K L2 cache!
4 MB DDR L3 cache!
1U rackmountable!
Two gigabit ethernet ports!
Quae ATA/100 hard drives!
2 64-bit PCI slots
CD-ROM drive

More to come from MacCentral!
Now if I could get 2 custom built ones, use OS X on one of them so I can cluster them, and them see my mac fly ;)
simx... i'd just like to point out that my thread "xserve" beat yours by three minutes.

Hhmm...I don't know. Here's a little price comparison.

Dell PowerEdge 1560 (3 bays) $4.277
IBM eServer X330 (3 bays) $5.186
Sun Fire 280R (2bays) $19.590
Apple Xserve (4bays) $3.999 ($2.999)

...probably not straight forward comparable, but enough to think about.
Originally posted by rinse
simx... i'd just like to point out that my thread "xserve" beat yours by three minutes.


rinse... I'd just like to point out that my thread beat yours by 5 replies (and counting). :D
anyone have screenshots. I gotta see how this bad boy looks.

Imagine an apple cluster, wow. I so glad my company is porting our software on OS X. I think i have to switch projects and jump on that team. :)
It's over now ... This is what I've been waiting for.

Next oracle 9iAS and Jdeveloper 9i since they also have and advance JVM for the server.

For sure companies will consider mac even more.

I'm not server savy so could you break it down to something simple. Like is this freakin awesome compared to other servers?

to add some information:

You can disable firewire ports, CDROM and USB ports so you can't boot from an external drive.

It has LEDs to control vital system compoments (fan, CPU, HDDs) and the things alarms when somebody tries to "steal" it.

HDDs can be swapped while the system is running, and it has special software which tests the integrity of the drives.

with 60 gig HDD and 256 MB RAM, it costs around 3000.- USD

the new software which controls this things is called "Server Monitor" (how original). In the demo, he showed that 400 parallel streaming-connections only took 50% of the xServe's CPU time...

cool thing if you ask me. Now if they would only release a 800 Mhz single CPU version for me to build a fileserver around it...
This is the first mac to use the PC2100 DDR ram and the first to go past 1.5 GB. Hope Apple starts putting DDR in other computers too.

DDR-RAM is nice, 2 GIGs are nice, but all this stuff won't help Apple if they stick with the G4 for another half year or so.

Most of us always made fun of the "outdated" x86 architecture which tried to solve the problem in the architecture with raw we are the ones with the outdated CPU architecture...

but that's a different topic, one that has been beaten to death already...
As you can add an ATI to it, you can run GUI apple-scripted apps. Precisely what I need for my current project. I would like to buy one immediately.

If only they were not so powerful and expensive. I would really like to have cheaper ones and have the flexibility to add more as needs grow.

I am looking to buy a powermac!!

Would it be possible to buy one of these amazing machines and use it with some peripherals as a i would use a powermac!!!

HEHE i am not joking i bet lots of people have thought about this.

Any answers????:D
Maybe i'm mistaken but wasn't this supposed to cost only $899 or something?

Ah, today you've learned a valuable lesson. "Never trust the rumor sites for they know jack sh!et." :p :D
Yes, you could use the Xserver as a primary desktop machine as well. You could just mount it under your desktop--think of the space savings!

There's even a firewire port on the front.

These will be great for field work. Every now and then on Big Cat Diary on TLC I see them using their PowerMacs right there in the African plains to edit their program in the field before sending on the final copy (does FedEx deliver to the Congo?). I'm sure it would be easier to use a 1U rackmount computer than a big ol' tower.
