new build of safari released

Originally posted by Giaguara
"The term of this License shall commence upon your download or first use of the Apple Software and will terminate automatically without notice from Apple upon the commercial release of the Apple Software, or June 30, 2003, whichever occurs first. " Prepare to paym guys.,..
Not necesarily... that just means that if you continue to use the beta after the final is released, anything that goes wrong is not Apple's responsibility... including any bugs you find. Essentially they will not support an unlicensed product, and why should they support the beta if the final is a free download? I don't know, charging for a well-integrated program that is not an iApp (no "i") seems silly, it would be like charging for Mail or Address Book. They are now optional pieces of the OS more than separate Apps.
Originally posted by mfsri
Did you quit Safari before trying to replace it?

yes, but it was still in the dock, didn't suppose that'd matter, the dock icon is just like an alias when not loaded, right?!

Anyhow, my point now is, if i download a new one, its corrupt, it does this stupid thing, and never works .... i must have pref files or something which need to be removed! ... something is holding me back!

Thanks for the heads up, Ed! :D

My build is running okay, no bugs to report. Except my web site still diplays funky. Blah... :( I guess it's time to update the interface.
some things start to go on my nerves on chimera.

- it NEVER displayes the only forum i've tried to see with it, correctly. 95 % of the times headers missing completelly. 80 % times half of the images including reply button, go to read messages, half or all smiles missing...
i'm not that amazed that you've got nearly the speed of chimera that it makes an excuse to have to refresh the page times to do anything.

- i don't WANT to install flash or real player to see the ads. i want to block the ads. gimme the blck button.

- kernel panic. untill proven otherwise, i give the fault to safari. it was the only thing running that can have caused it.

- and that metal gives me headache.

uh, one thing i like.. it doesnt have the lang.projs :D
but neither has chimera..