New Computers wont DHCP


I am the sysAdmin for a lab of macs. We have a 10.2 server that we use to DHCP/bootp/netinstall. We have it set up so that an address gets assigned based on mac address (bootp).

It works fine on all of our computers, except the new G5 and G5 iMacs we got. They wont netboot or DHCP. I havent been able to figure it out at all, when its switched to DHCP it just goes to a self assigned address.

Do you have enough licences on your server (may sound stupid, but I had the problem when I had no NAT server and my provider was giving me only 2 addresses when I was using 3 machines)
chevy said:
Do you have enough licences on your server (may sound stupid, but I had the problem when I had no NAT server and my provider was giving me only 2 addresses when I was using 3 machines)

Our server has the unlimited client (but the limit only applies to AFP clients anyways). And it still doesnt work even if i move an old machines record over to the new mac address

Can you please describe for us what they don't do via DHCP? Do they have self-assigned IP addresses (in the range)? Please run this command in the Terminal on the non-functioning machines: ifconfig en0 (that's e n zero). Show us the result.
Yeah, like i said, it goes to self assigned (169 block). Ill run ifconfig when i get back in. Ill also grab the dhcp log showing what the server is doing.
