New Display Line?


Ok, here's one of the hottest questions around WWDC. This is pure speculation between us developers, but what do you all think about Apple bringing out a new line of displays? Since we have a brand new G5, do you all think we'll get a new line of displays, or atleast enclosures to better match up?
And what about alu keyboards and mice? Or will those just stay acrylic?
I think the keyboard with the G5 was different. It's white, but I believe it had a slightly different form factor than the current keyboards. Do the white keyed keyboards have like a triangular or wedge-like base instead of the plastic strip that flips back and forth to raise it?
I think these where out with the latest eMacs. No flip down strip to raise your keyboard as before, it is permenantly raised... also, the USB ports are gone from the left and right of the top of the keyboard (as has been on Apple keyboards for the last 10-14 years). They have been moved the two USB ports at the back-middle of the keyboard, to better prevent clutter.

But, they are white acyrlic keyboards, I would assume they'de style them to the G5 look.

And, what about those multi-button mice!!!????
Ahh, ok, those do make sense with eMacs...less parts to break on them then.

So maybe we will see a new mouse and keyboard for the G5?

I mean, they have atleast two months or so to prepare for shipping now.
I wanna see apple make the rumored 30" cinema display... God that would be soo cool :^) I couldn't get over not having the money to buy one of those - maybe I would get a job!
Any ideas of when the new displays may come out? I'd assume the 30" display would take over the $3000.00 price slot that the 23" now vacated.
I still can't get over just how damn expensive these things are. If they are replacing the line, I would wait and buy a 20incher. You could get a deal on the ones they have now, or get robbed by buying a brand new model. Either way it's a good display.

No more rhymes, I mean it.
That's what I'm hoping for; new displays means the old ones drop in price. I really want one of those 20 inch displays but not for $1,200
Originally posted by maclick
That's what I'm hoping for; new displays means the old ones drop in price. I really want one of those 20 inch displays but not for $1,200
While I admit that thought of a 20" LCD from Apple is nice I've long since come to the conclusion that I would much rather pay the same amount of money to pick up two 17" LCDs. The 20" CD would give me a screen resolution of 1680 x 1050 while a pair of 17"s would give me 2560 x 1024. To me this makes far more sense when dealing with a multi-palette/panel applications (as I do a great deal of). That's my plan, at any rate.
Originally posted by gwynarion
I've long since come to the conclusion that I would much rather pay the same amount of money to pick up two 17" LCDs.

This is a great point, but in my setup, I'd need a 2nd video card; i don't have a dual head card built in. This would add dough to an already huge pile of dough. Dough upon dough.
Also I'd like having the continuous real estate of the 20 inch, instead of broken up 17s.
20" iMac would just be over kill. The price would be too high, I'd think, for it to be a consumer, with that tiny base, it would look awfully odd.
Anyone ever look at the Formac monitors? I heard they are nice, and somewhat easier on the wallet. I have the 17" and pleased with it.
Macworld magazine just did a review of 20" LCDs and one of the ones they reviewed was the Formac offering. I can't remember exactly what conclusions they reached, but in general I believe they thought it was a good monitor, if not quite as good as one or two others.
The Apple / Nec 20" monitors were the two best. The Formac was good because of its price, but it did not compete with the other two based on color and clarity. I believe it got 3, 4, 4 stars[of 5] and the apple / nec displays got 4, 5, 5. THe first category was text display, I can't remember the other two....

I'm going to order a Dual G5 with a 23" HD CD very very soon.... this talk of new displays makes me nervous. I'm betting that if they do change the cases, they will become aluminum to match the G5 and powerbook.
Has anyone seen pictures with G5's next to ciname display's? The G5 is so big that it really dwarf's the display. I think a 30" display would match the new G5 quite well :^) I hope those rumors were true - because a 30 incher would own!
wow, i didn't realize the G5 was that big.... though considering i haven't seen one in person or next to anything to give away its size.