New Drawers Please


I don't usually post topics commending stuff, however I downloaded Drop Drawers X yesterday and well it seems to solve some of the things I would like to Dock to do. Be available on any side of the screen and be able to contain a 'folder of alias' I.E. I may have a folder called Utilities that contains things like console, cpu monitor etc. Drop drawers can do many more things than hold alias but that is what I am mainly using it for. The URL above also holds some screen shots so u can see what I mean

I'll have to check that out. All of those things that you said tho should be built into the doc! OS X has the strangest feeling, it's like the underpinnings and the potential to be an extremely powerful sytem are there, but they are hidden and diluted behind a Fisher-Price designed interface.

The dock, although really cool looking, and fairly simple for the newcomer, lacks the do -anything capabilities that the pro user demands. Take a look at the abilities of even Gnome's dock, and you'll see what I mean.
The dock (in X) seems to have literally replaced the desktop, so it should function at least as well as what it's replacing. This applies to every single aspect of this cool new OS.

Damn, I have to go reboot and get my modem to work, I'm finding it hard to find all the problems while in OS 9!

Originally posted by J5
Take a look at the abilities of even Gnome's dock, and you'll see what I mean.

Yeah I've dual booted into Linux PPC for a while now...
