Originally posted by twister
]Wow. I'm seeing too many forms. OVERLOAD.....
Constructive Criticism/Questioning....
So what's the difference between Apple News and Rumors & Apple General Discussion. Isn't all apple info newsworthy?
well yea, i think it is. hence the new forum. General discussion allows a great place to share your enthusiasm with the latest build, your trip to the apple store, the speed of dual processors, etc. without it being news to anybody but you. also for apple related stuff that you just want to discuss without neccesarily telling apple what to do about it.
What's the difference between Mac OS X DTP, Graphics and Multimedia & The Net: Web Development. If you say the graphics one is for programs and the development is for coding then what's the difference between The Net: Web Development & The Net: Coding?
web development is for building web sites and maintaining a server. it is for help configuring web apps that were coded by others. DTP is about creating the media you would use on a web site, or in a presentation, or for publication, etc. Coding is for help actually creating web apps from scratch.
Also how about The Cafe & ???
yea, what Chevy said. most things posted here are expected to be moved to other forums with a marker left in that forum that allows us to track what kinds of things people are having difficulties finding the correct forum for. it's an experiment.
I appreciate the fact that you want to keep this organized and easy to navigate but I feel that some categories are similar and I'm not sure where to put my questions at times.
well, overall this grew out of similar criticisms of the previous organization. We've attempted to seperate out some popular subjects so that some of the more 'popular' forums don't see as many posts get lost in the qunatities of posts.
i would suggest that you spend a few minutes on the main forums page and read all the descriptions of each forum. We have tried to make the distinctions between them as clear as possible without writing a whole book chapter about each one.
in some ways, the new organization is an experiment and it seems to be working as expected so far with the exception of the ??? forum. despite all the recent uproar, the site continues to grow and providing more organizational categories seems necessary for now.