New G4s available

Originally posted by ElDiabloConCaca

Well, your mouse/keyboard input rate is controlled by the system, regardless of the game or application you're using. Quake III checks the mouse/keyboard through system calls -- not it's own software. FPS and keyboard/mouse rates are not related.
Yes, it uses system calls, but I think it checkes anyway for each frame.
But I think your last sentence brings it to the point. :)
This just in:

Apple to offer GeForce 4 Titanium as an option on powermac purchases.

Thats from one of those apple rumor sites, claims to be based off of a PR from apple.

btw, prefer higher res over high fps. Just try playing Quake 3 at 1600x1200 arround 30-40fps. Its wonderfull. you'll never go back.

btw thats at 85 hz.
Uhm, you have to go well under 100 fps to see the difference. The human eye can't take more that 24 fps :p
The human eye can see more than 24 fps. Also, this is bothering me.

I wrote that while the card is good for old games at low resolutions it's not so great for new games at higher resolutions. What I got in return was an explanation of 85hz. (Like I didn't know what a hz was).

Anyway, maybe this new card will bring the apple up to speed for gaming. I hate to see Apple release something then brag about being only one year behind the PC curve.
Tigger wrote:

(ed. don't know the tages, too lazy to learn 'em, so you're getting this mess)

And where is the point to show PC users that the Mac is better or the other way round?
Everybody should just use the system he likes, period.


I am answering your rhetorical question for the fun of it. The whoel point, for this Mac-head, is that it's my life mission to rid the world of Wintel boxes. One by one, slowly but surely I win over my PC friends. The last frontier is the horizon of gaming, it's that simple. Once that is virtually equal, the only reason anybody should bother owning a wretched Wintel box is to run some obscure useless database software or because they are too cheap or incapabale of buying a quality machine, you know, one that doesn't sound like lawnmower when you turn it on.

Everybody should not use the system he or she likes, they should use the system I like. ;)
Originally posted by mindbend
...buying a quality machine, you know, one that doesn't sound like lawnmower when you turn it on.
Hehehe, damn, the PC of my brother is quieter than my Mac.
And I got one of those B/W G3, back from than nobody was bitching about the loud Mac towers... ;)