New ghz PowerMacs next Tuesday...

Originally posted by simX
I think it's really Motorola that is the cause of the Mac lagging behind in performance and clock speed, not Apple.

Anyone else get this feeling?

thanx for clarifying... you would think Intel has 20 processes and PPC has 7, so multiply by 2 and you get a rough estimate...

anyways, I think Apple should definitely do the PPC themselves... we'd already be up to G6 probably!
look, it has two sides, that Apple does'nt like or support rumors by itself:
• rumors:
people, who likes rumors, get to much expectations and in the end, they will be disapointed. Look to the windows-users. They spend a lot of time, to discuse and speculate, that this one or that one will come, and if it would be compatible with the other one... and they just spend less of time, to think about, if they really need it! they are consumers!
At least, they buy products, that are gona be promoted for 2 years, but when they are out, they are not "new" anymore and they still have a lots of bugs and the next promoted standard lets they think, not to support this one, because the next one will get much better.
• no rumors:
(i personally like this kind of Apple)... sometimes, let's say, all year or all two years, they surprise you with a new technology and product, that sure isn't still unbuggy, but it's finished and it's available and the magic stays longer, since its publishing! And usually, we all know, that Apple does not bring something old, as something new, just in another packing!
As always, you are right on the money...

If Moto can't provide Apple with the chips it needs NOW, then Apple needs to use the clause in their contract, buy them out, and start farming CPU production out to whomever can take Apple's designs and give them decent yields of fast PPC processors. IBM, AMD, whoever can produce the damn things, get it done.

This was embarrassing two and a half years ago when Apple had to back peddle on the high end 500mhz G4's. 2 1/2 years later we still haven't hit the ghz mark! This is fr$#kin unreal!

As you can read from my signature below, I definitely love Apple. But I'm getting in to 3D design/production, and every clock cycle counts. My G4/800DP is a decent machine, but I'd be kidding myself if I thought I got a great deal on speed/performance for 3D (Lightwave) work. For what I paid, I could have gotten 3 decked out AMD Athlons, all with about the same Lightwave performance as the dual800.

Apple is going to lose pro customers if they don't get this rectified soon. Unless Jobs is heading the company in to a consumer only space (doubtful), he better wake up and smell the silicon...
Originally posted by serpicolugnut
The G4/800DP Server has been available here in the US for months.

This is nothing new...

287 posts imply that you spend some time on this forum...and you STILL take Herve seriously?
Right on. Imagine how much more fun the foum would be if everyone tried to take herve seriously. Mass confusion ensues.....
Maybe Herve is a child? I've tried to make some sense out of his posts. I've put him on my ignore list but I often still end up reading his posts just to sastisfy my curiosity.

Either he's just a total waste of time or he's a little kid that deserves some slack.

As for motorola, I agree they aren't serious competitors in the CPU market anymore. Maybe they'll leapfrod the x86 guys again when the G5 comes out? However, they had better do it soon because Apple can't stand still much longer.
Herve can't be a child. His posts are too....too.....a child can't do such stuff.

I really like his posts ;)
As Spymac would say:

"We are still correct with our rumour! We said there will be new Powermacs on January, 22nd....we didn't say the year, so what we heard from our contacts at Apple (they are REAL, MAN, REEAAAL, CALL THEM FOR YOURSELF YOU..YOU NOT GOOD MAN WHO NOT BELIEVES ME) is - as always - correct.
And the iWalk we had was a very early prototype model of the later this year..."

:D :D :p :D :D
Originally posted by ulrik
As Spymac would say:

"We are still correct with our rumour! We said there will be new Powermacs on January, 22nd....we didn't say the year, so what we heard from our contacts at Apple (they are REAL, MAN, REEAAAL, CALL THEM FOR YOURSELF YOU..YOU NOT GOOD MAN WHO NOT BELIEVES ME) is - as always - correct.
And the iWalk we had was a very early prototype model of the later this year..."

:D :D :p :D :D

At least you were close; :p

"And although new systems were not released today, stands by its original statement... the update will be released within the very near future"

Let's ignore them, eh?
Apple will is no longer going to make any new products. If a new Mhz machine comes out it will only be 1 Mhz fast than the last one. With Apple, ALWAYS make your expectations low. Lower than current products if possible. I will be excited when the TiPB 550 comes out... Oh wait a minute it has. Now I can be happy with Apple.

This is the mind set I am going to use from now on. Spread this around and everyone will be happy if new products come out. :D has what someone claims to be the new G4 specs, cut and pasted from the depths of one of Apple's websites.

Nothing particularly new, oh except perhaps for the NVidia Geforce4 bit... ;)
