new iMac SE and iBook SE (source spymac)


iMac SE under development
Intercepted by The Director on Thu 16th May @ 5:22 pm MST

CruZ writes,
You mentioned the iBook SE a few weeks ago. Is Apple working on a Special Edition iMac?

We can confirm that a Special Edition (SE) G4 iMac is indeed currently under development, though we are not privileged to any details at this time.

One reader claiming to have inside knowledge suggests that the SE models will not depart from the standard white color found in the current iBook and iMac line, though this information is currently unverifiable.
I'm buying a brand spanking new Mac late July and i am consider the new iMac but it looks like the base gets a kind of dirty/grubby apperance. Maybe the should make it like the iPod and cover it with transparent liquid. Or maybe even chrome it to the MAX( Lot of polish needed!)
Originally posted by mypod
I'm buying a brand spanking new Mac late July and i am consider the new iMac but it looks like the base gets a kind of dirty/grubby apperance. Maybe the should make it like the iPod and cover it with transparent liquid. Or maybe even chrome it to the MAX( Lot of polish needed!)

well the idea of chrome would appeal to people with
22" chrome rims on SUV... its all about the bling bling :)
ha ha, v.funny.

No seriuosly the base gets really grubby looking and i don't my new product to look 6 months old after 2 weeks of having it.
Originally posted by mypod
ha ha, v.funny.

No seriuosly the base gets really grubby looking and i don't my new product to look 6 months old after 2 weeks of having it.

Mine is just about a month and a half old, and its still clean. I wouldn't think they would get dirty unless you work on your car and don't wash your hands before handling the thing. And how often to you actually touch the base?

Oh, and it comes with a cloth to clean the thing. Not sure how well it works, as I haven't used it yet, but one would think it would work well.
Does anyone know where I could buy a gold, platinum, and diamond encrusted canoe?

Canoe OUT!