New iMacs

Col. Sanders

Just a PRODUCT UPDATE, for those of you who check these things before you purchase, as our unlucky iBook friend forgot to. I had some trouble with my local Apple Retailer, and accidentaly, they fried my motherboard inside my iMac. Obviously, I was a little angry. After a few days they called me and said I had 2 options. To take a floor model, or wait 3-4 weeks, for a new shipment of updated iMacs. I asked "what kind of updates?", reply "the regular: speed boost, hardware updates, etc. Probably 900 MHz- 1.2 GHz." I took option 2. Just a heads up to anybody out there.
Well hell, that sounds like a pretty good deal. I went Macless for 2 months just to get a new iBook. 3-4 weeks doesn't sound bad for a new iMac.

Something similar happened with my PowerBook 550. It came busted, they couldn't fix it and replaced it with the new 667 DVI.
i went macless for 3 months to get my DP baby ^_^.
those imacs are screamin', man. i'm kinda surprised they're putting so much power into them. 17" lcd + 1Ghz g4 = freakin' powermac.
to Col. Sanders: although i don't rule out the possibility that this really happened to you, i don't think that a retailer has a) the option to send a broken iMac back with the notice that 'the user wants the NEXT generation iMac instead of the one we have here' and b) knowledge about those new items already. still: new iMacs are coming sooner than X-Mas, so it's good that there's this thread.

to itanium: why not put it on

to boi: it's not the power of a PowerMac. the new iMacs are still going to have a 133 MHz bus only, still only one processor and a lesser graphics card. and the lack of expandability, of course.

hope the iMacs won't be too late for christmas...
The deal was not offered from Apple, but my retailer is offering the deal, as compensation for my troubles (i.e. they had my iMac there for over a month).
Well, it's been taken to ... Where we'll post more information about the new iMac generation soon.

One information ahead: There'll be two distinct models (in processor speed). None of them will exceed the PowerBook's processor speed.
I just put my Lime Imac on eBay in anticipation of buying the 17' superdrive iMac. Now I come here and find out that there is a new iMac coming out. I am really going to be pissed off if I spend $1999.00 only to see the price discounted just days AFTER buying it. Is ther any reatiler that offers 30 price protection? Is there such a thing?

Is there any hard evodence that new iMac are coming!!!

I'm looking to buy an iMac in the next couple months. I didn't really want to spend $2000 for the 17", but I can't see buying a new computer with a GeForce 2 card in it.

Here's hoping for a 1 G 17" iMac (maybe even better gfx?)

P.S. That 17" screen sure is purty, though.
I just read the update over at and it says there most likely to all be 17inch monitors well this cause the price to increase ?
weren't there actually rumors of a 19" upgrade? sounds absurd, but... ^_^.

i know the imacs aren't as powerful as the current G4s, but they're almost as powerful as the g4s of 3 months ago. with the consumer line getting this powerful, i'm really hopeful for the future of powermacs. i hope they don't upgrade 'em too soon, though, i just bought my dp 867 ^_^.
A 19" model iMac is more than half a year away with current panel prices. Apple might introduce a cinema-aspect 19" display, though - plan is to get rid of the 17" Studio Display in mid 2003.

The iMac line will stay in the consumer space, where a 17" LCD is still considered highend.

My advice: DON'T buy an iMac this month. Your after-christmas-hangover would be too hard to take.
The current iMacs aren't nearly as powerful as previous PowerMacs due to their small 256K L2 cache. Also, their 100MHz system bus is slower. Graphics could be better as well.

If they are updated this month, you'll likely see them speed bumped, better graphics, more storage and maybe cheaper. Much the same way the iBook was updated.

Rumor has it that all Macs will have slot loading optical drives come January. The only advantage I see to this is not snapping off the drive tray with the iMac's LCD when ejected.

Slot loading drives also seem to have their draw-backs considering the Combo Drive in the PowerBook is slower than the one in the new iBook.

Also, a slot loading drive on the side of the iBook would not be very practical. I imagine it difficult to put a CD in sideways, possibly causing CDs to get scratched more often than normal.
Competition for the iMac is the Dell offer. ($1150 for P4 with DDRAM, GeForce 4 and 17" flat panel display).

So basically we need a $999 basic device, any processor speed, 256MB RAM, CDRW, GeForce 4.

We also need a faster alternative, $1399, 512MB RAM, 800MHz-1GHz CPU, Combo drive, GeForce 4 64MB.

And the $1599 solution should include SuperDrive, GeForce 4 Ti and 17" display.
In response to fryke reply do u think that there all going to be 17inch monitord in this update and in response to itanium do u think there may be any other upgrades in january aside from the drives.
I was at spymac earlier today and i read an report apout the release of the new imac in january but i also read and is stated in the report thaat apple is trying to stay away from big release at macexpo.Do u think this is true or do u think they well releas eit just intime forchristmas.?
do u think that they well release a update version b4 christmas and then again with monitors in january?