new internet explorer...

I halfway like the new Mozilla, but it's not my favorite, and it's far from being the most mac-like browser. iCab and Omni still make me happier.

AOL will still be my $5 per month just in case ISP, even though anybody with any skillz whatsoever stopped using the AOL browser years ago. They're a business. And businesses based on profits are as evil as you let them be. I think the enemy of my enemy is my comrade for the time being. I'm far more offended by hotmail accounts, and MSN messenger, and in picking my battles, AOL isn't one of them.

I'll use mozilla with increasing frequency as it gets better, but it's currently 4th in my list of favorites, behind iCab and OmniWeb, and Opera.
:) well I found and downloaded the nightly build of Mozilla last night and I can certainly say I am pleased. I hate to sound superficial but some of the interface graphics could use some work but the browser its self is top notch. Graphically, I'd have to say omni or <cringe> IE has the most mac like interface but this one has lots of features and cutomization. I now see what everyone is talking about the standard .97 release is not at all what you want to base opinions off of as it is very slow. This concludes the last stage of my "Throwing off the shackles of Microsoft" project. I stopped using Word, then stopped using hotmail and now its gone with the IE. I compleatly respect anyone's decision to stick with whatever part of microsoft they depend on but as for me, I don't have to deal with that crap any more.
Congrats Koelling. You will feel much better microsoft-less. Is it the mach-o version of moz that your are using? Does it have the aqua stuff in it yet? There are some big bugs still in mach-o (keyboard shortcuts are broken, etc.) but its really fast.

If you mean the icons (back, forward, etc) i think those are going to be done soon. All the aqua stuff has only been around for a little while, and its is still being (heavily) worked on.