new ipod comming???


I`m in!!
I want to buy an ipod... but i want to know if a new ipod is comming... do i keep waiting for the new generation of ipods.. or i buy it now??????
No, there is no new iPod coming that anyone is aware of. There is no reason to delay unless you don't want one now, can't afford it, etc. Otherwise, buy one now.
Yeah, Ive got an old 15GB one. and im about due for a new one two, but im going to wait another few months or untill somthing new happens. Im not really into the mini its not my style plus i like the sounds of roomy extra space with 40GB, hmmmm.

If you havent got one yet go get one now, i might be waiting forever.

On another note: if you just wanna listen to music to be honest around five gigs is enough space for starters. Unless you got a huge HDD in you computer then go for the big beast, im starting to get bord of the iPod now, i want new features. The music store has flurried away its hype to me as i cant access it and i still couldnt get the "free" iTunes birthday tracks, plus some tracks id like don't even exist on there (the mid ninties stuff I listened to when I was back at school).

i dont know what apple has planned but all i can say is go get one now you will love it.
'Old' 15GB? Those are practically new tech, unless there's a pre-3rd gen one I'm not aware of...
dlloyd said:
'Old' 15GB? Those are practically new tech, unless there's a pre-3rd gen one I'm not aware of...

Accually it is a 10G the one with the moving wheel. i forget what gen mabey 2nd.
I've been looking at some reviews and screenshots of the new sony mp3 and I am starting to like some of these metallic industrial looking HD players. However, I think that Apple may have this market wrapped up do to the lemming following press. Just like Microsoft took over the planet with the pc... Apple has a good chance to make a large dent, though within 3 years will probably have about a 20-35% share of the market. The really need to start diving into Eastern Europe soon. On my trip through 6 of the new EU countries no one really new much of the ipod let alone about Apple. Even in Germany only one American tourist even knew what it was. With nearly twice the population of the US and most consumer goods costing more than that of the US now Apple has got to penetrate this market and fast. 5 million ipods out there doesn't make much of a dent when you have like 5 billion people, plus 2 Billion = ). Now if Apple and MTV or VH1 could partner up and have a moviebeam like service for the ipod. When you watch a video at your home with some form of audiobeam and the next gen ipod i click pull music on my ipod and it is transferred directly to the ipod. If the ipod could somehow loose it's tether to our own pc and be able to receive data from anything... phones, tv's, movie screens, toasters, we could probably hit the 100 million mark in 5 years or less if we could get the prices down about 25%
5 Billion? Try adding about 2,000,000,000 to that ;)
Anyway, I think what you described is not going to happen soon. Think of all the update toasters people would have to buy! I think really Apple just needs to take care of the price.
Ah ah, what was that other thread talking about? INNOVATION. i think mi5moav was kinda joking about the toaster thing. id like to see some of that stuff too. and prices down, i want a camera in an iPod to sync with iPhoto too. i want lots of things to happen.
Honestly I don't see the point of having crappy cameras in little things like phones (or an iPod). If I want a picture, I want a *good* picture, so I need a real camera. Granted there are times when I've wanted a picture and we didn't have a camera, but I feel that unless they can combine them into something that actually works nearly as well as a real camera does, why bother?
Quicksilver said:
Accually it is a 10G the one with the moving wheel. i forget what gen mabey 2nd.

Pretty sure there's no such thing as a moving wheel iPod that isn't the very fist 5GB one. :0
Wrong :). There was one revision of the 10gb before the touch-wheel came on.
And if he actually *has* the an iPod, I should hope he would be able to discern that....
dlloyd said:
Wrong :). There was one revision of the 10gb before the touch-wheel came on.
And if he actually *has* the an iPod, I should hope he would be able to discern that....

Damn, I stand corrected then. I just read the press release. 10GB with wheel came out in March 2002 and the touch sensitive didn't debut until July along side what I feel is the worse iPod ever (next to the ones with the moving wheels) the 2nd generation 20GB iPod. That thing is big enough to murder a small animal. Anyway. I have a 20GB 3rd gen also, it's freakin' great!