Originally posted by Romendo
Am I the only one who doesn't really get the point of having that new keyboard? The screen of my notebook is so bright that I don't even need a lamp in my room. So I do not see what lighting up the keys brings - except for the "WOW" factor. From what I have seen the letters on the keys are not lit anyway - so the most important thing - recognizing the keys - is not that easy anyway.
Second, the new display. Everyone shouts that nobody else has a 17" display. I couldn't care less. My 2 year old notebook already has a higher resolution than the 17" display. I wish Apple would have a 1400x1050 resolution on the 15" model. Now that would be nice. On a similar note, the widescreen format is not that helpful for me. I prefer a "high" screen, meaning that the vertical resolution is higher than usual. But Apple does just the opposite...
While it is nice to see the new keyboard and 17" display, I hardly understand why people get so excited about it.