New .Mac features coming tomorrow

I am guessing that .mac members will have access to the exclusive music group list like the Eagles, No Doubt, etc.
I doubt it. I mean, if they do, I will be upset. I like No Doubt, so an exclusive .Mac only thing wouldn't be good for me (I don't use .Mac).

But, we will see... Can't wait.
I sure hope apple doesn't use .Mac to screw the rest of us over. I don't see any reason to subscribe and if apple is gonig to make some cool stuff it better work without .mac service.
Originally posted by twister
I sure hope apple doesn't use .Mac to screw the rest of us over.

Hey, those who have .Mac do so because they paid for it. If Apple wants to throw in some extra perks, so be it.

Oh, and just because someone has something you don't doesn't means you've been "screwed over."
Originally posted by kcmac
I am guessing that .mac members will have access to the exclusive music group list like the Eagles, No Doubt, etc.

Eek, if I was getting exclusive access I'd expect better than the Eagles and No Doubt! :)
For $100 a year, .Mac members should get, say, 5 included AAC downloads a month ... or perhaps 1 a week. Or they could do it by the year.
Saying .mac members shouldn't get some perks out of the gate that non-members do is akin to saying Windows users should also be included right from the start instead of having to wait until the end of the year. ::ha::

I hope there is some exclusivity, other than making Windozers green with envy. It would once again show that, at least to me, that the .mac membership is worthwhile and will greatly impact my thinking come renewal time.

Remember, Apple is in the business of making money. If they can sell a few extra .Mac memberships, good for it. And if it means I get a little more value for my membership (luckily I joined when I got the early discount), so be it.
You can buy a couple of CDs from REM (also on the exclusive list), No Doubt and the Eagles and rip 'em to your iPod if you don't want to join.

Sheesh, the friggin' thing hasn't even been launched and people are bitching about being screwed over by Apple.
Sorry. :( I'm just hoping that apple doesn't try to force people to buy a .Mac membership to use valuable features. You guys can have all the free pictures and downloads you want. I just don't want to be excluded from cool stuff just cuz I have no use for anything in the .Mac membership area ( yet ).
maybe the music service will be directly related to .mac, ie, you have to be a member to use it o_O
I doubt that .Mac will have any substanitive advantage. Apple is entering a new market. They'll want everybody on board.
My guess is that exclusive artists will, at first, be included for.mac members, maybe those who sign up for one-click shoppping right away as well. Eventually, those artists will be 'introduced' into the mainstream purchases while .mac members get new exclusive artists or other perks such as alternative tracks, QT videos and a free track here and there.
That way .mac members can still get special treatment, but not to the ultimate exclusion of others who will buy music, but nay not need the .mac services. That way we can all be happy and laugh at M$'s legions. ::angel::

Anyway, we'll all know in a few hours...
The music service has to be easily accessible. Maybe they're going to make it the other way 'round. Subscribe to the music service and get a discount for .Mac ... ;-) Or not.
Isn't the music service said to be without a subscription?

by twister
You guys can have all the free pictures and downloads you want. I just don't want to be excluded from cool stuff just cuz I have no use for anything in the .Mac membership area ( yet ).

I agree. Throw in some free downloads and such. I think that if Apple knows what they are doing (and they do), it will be similar to the way iPhoto's book and print ordering works.
I've got my fingers crossed for a free weekly download or something to that extent for .Mac users. That would definitely make it worth it.

1 song a week at 52 weeks in a year = $52 in songs per year out of a $100 .Mac membership fee.

Sounds good to me!

Heck, I'll get my own full subscription and stop sharing with my Dad if this is the case!