new Macbook - how to get iPod music on it?


Hi All

I am a totally new 'convert' from MS having just purchased a Macbook. I am wondering how I get all the music from my iPod onto my macbook. I want to use the Macbook as the master for my music files and hence I need to get them from the iPod onto the Mac.

Do i simply plug the iPod into the mac and hey presto? or os there something I need to do.

I am concerned as I thought if I did this that it would remove all the music from the ipod.

Advice greatly appreciated, thanks all.

senuti is the bomb - just make sure the music is yours. You may have to authorize the computer for ITMS tracks. Don't forget to de-authorize the PC before you throw it off the roof or whatever other torture you subject it too. :p
WOW, super quick response pds, many thanks.

All the music I have on my ipod is mine either through LP's (yes, I am that old) or CD's or through iTuens music stote. I also write and record my own electronic music too - hence one of the reasons I have purchased a mac.

Do I have to de-authorise the PC before I use that app you suggest?
no - deauthorize only if you are getting rid of the windows box.

I don't have an iPod at the moment, thanks to the larcenous tendencies of young people in my work environment, so I can't test it to be sure, but IIRC you run senuti (iTunes spelled backwards) and then connect the iPod via usb. The software will create a catalog on your local disk with the music from the iPod. From there you need to import it into iTunes. (the instructions say you can drag n drop, but many people report trouble with that).

I don't buy iTunes from the ITMS, so I don't know how it will react to the fairplay stuff, but I imagine that, as long as the macbook is authorized for your account, you should be good to go.
pds: what a wonderfully polite, informative and thoroughly super reply, many thanks for this. This is the sort of reply that clearly demonstrates the why and how good forums are of benefit to everybody involved in the subject matter.

I will try what you suggest. Thank you very much.
