New Macs SLOWER than their predecessors?

Yep. could be because the cache for the new computer is half of the old one and both computers are still talking to memory at 1 GByte/s. Also the XServe uses a PCI graphics card. I believe I'll wait until the 7470 comes out.

One odd thing is the IBM 750FX is capable of 200 Mhz FSB. Now they have a chip controller that can handle DDR, I wonder if Apple would put DDR in an iBook at 100 MHz (1600 DDR) and make it run at 1 GHz to "freshen it up"? Couldn't do it now, would probably show up every other Mac.
dont think it was very smart of apple to upgrade (167Mhz DDR) some parts of a system while downgrading another (lev 3 cache)
Originally posted by DualG4X
dont think it was very smart of apple to upgrade (167Mhz DDR) some parts of a system while downgrading another (lev 3 cache)

What you may not know is that beyond a meg or so most of that cache was just for marketing anyway.

The bulk of the performance gains come from the first 256k or so. Increasing it to 512 will give you maybe another 10% gain. Going from 1mb to 3mb hardly makes any difference at all in terms of cache hits.

The DDR is underutilized only for CPU-based operations. DMA and AGP-based operations will benefit from DDR.
The below link is WRONG... Sorry :o
The correct link is this:
Sorry, again, sorry, sorry, sorry :(

I checked this before:
when it was first posted and then again as of now (00:25, 18/08/2002, Greece time/date)... I think that the numbers, pictures, etc. are somewhat changed and now show only a couple of seconds at the MOST... And NO I am not drunk!

It showed the first time if I remember correctly differences of up to 5 secs and now 1-2 secs the most!

Is that site really a site that we all can trust? Methinks that maybe just maybe, someone is having fun with us, the Mac followers...

Also, if the new Dual G4/1GHz is a couple seconds slower on these benchmarks that doesn't mean that is slower overall, does it? Oh, did I mention that the "old" Dual was a speed demon?

Anyways, try and recheck that site... :confused: