The below link is WRONG... Sorry

The correct link is this:
Sorry, again, sorry, sorry, sorry

I checked this before:
when it was first posted and then again as of now (00:25, 18/08/2002, Greece time/date)... I think that the numbers, pictures, etc. are somewhat changed and now show only a couple of seconds at the MOST... And NO I am not drunk!
It showed the first time if I remember correctly differences of up to 5 secs and now 1-2 secs the most!
Is that site really a site that we all can trust? Methinks that maybe just maybe, someone is having fun with us, the Mac followers...
Also, if the new Dual G4/1GHz is a couple seconds slower on these benchmarks that doesn't mean that is slower overall, does it? Oh, did I mention that the "old" Dual was a speed demon?
Anyways, try and recheck that site...