New Omniweb browser


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
Check it, it's incredibly well done !
Bookmarks management is a clear winner !

look at the images tags on left... !


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site dependant prefs !!!! (so you can automatically flush the cookies from your favorite "1-per day" site, or block the pop-up of a stupid web page)


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Yeah, it looks pretty cool. I still prefer my Safari luvin' though (Update coming soon. Woo Hoo!!)
bobw said:
5.0 Beta?
Any crashes?

yes, I had one crash, when I tried to load 20 sites in one click (all coming as thumb nail in the tabs pane).
yeah wow. very nice :)
let me ask. this google search feature appearin in every browser .. camino, omniweb... wasnt it a safari-first ???
its just nice seein that many browsers are copyin safari, a 1-year old browser.!!!
Nope, OmniWeb always had location bar google-searching. Or at least for a long, long time. ;-) Even now, you can just "g whatever" to search for 'whatever' on Google. And you can make your own shortcuts like that. Very, very decent interface stuff.

Had one or the other crash - but it's a beta after all.

I'm not sure about the tab implementation just yet. I kinda like them in a horizontal bar, as screen real estate is expensive on my iBook. But I guess I'll be back at OmniWeb now for quite a while, anyway. Don't want to miss the shortcuts and other features. Ever. Again. (And cheers to site-specific prefs! Helluvafeature.)
Very nice. I'm sort of upset though when these good browsers come out, I can't make-up my mind which to use except with IE of course –*I don't use it.

Anyway, anyone know the keyboard shortcut for switching between tabs?


Strange that Safari 1.2 came out one day after OmniWeb 5.0 beta.
OmniWeb interface is more innovative, even more "Mac" oriented. But Safari 1.2 is STABLE. I'll keep both in my dock (beside Mozilla 1.6b, Firebird 0.7, Camino and Explorer)


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OmniWeb 5 crashes constantly, it's slower than Safari, it hangs on relatively simple pages, it still uses the Aqua interface which, I think, is harder on the eyes than brushed metal, and it's not free. The tabs with preview are nice, but until OmniGroup makes huge improvements to the program's stability and speed, Safari is far better, and you can't beat the price =)
Man, it's a beta version !!!

WinWord10 said:
OmniWeb 5 crashes constantly, it's slower than Safari, it hangs on relatively simple pages, it still uses the Aqua interface which, I think, is harder on the eyes than brushed metal, and it's not free. The tabs with preview are nice, but until OmniGroup makes huge improvements to the program's stability and speed, Safari is far better, and you can't beat the price =)
tabs in a drawer? Oh dear - the whole drawer concept is a crappy idea, as it is not actually part of the window. It essentially breaks the window zoom feature, because the window resizes as if the drawer isn't there. I haven't seen a single app where a hideable sidebar contained in the window wouldn't have been better. Omnigroup needs to do some thinking...
this google search feature appearin in every browser .. camino, omniweb... wasnt it a safari-first ???

Sadly, I'm pretty sure there was an IE-for-Win plugin that provided this before any Mac browser had it.
bobw said:
that is not completely true...

OmniWeb 5.0: 10.2.x, 10.3.x
Safari 1.2: 10.3.x only

OmniWeb free to use, it would be nice if you pay.
Safari requires people to upgrade from 10.2.x to use.

Omniweb had a ton of cool features and uses WebCore (same goes for 4.5).
Safari uses WebCore... and they added tabs at one point.

Personally I'm very happy Apple made Safari limited to 10.3.x, it gives other browsers a chance to show what they can do with Safari out of the picture for some users.

As for the price, it was always voluntary and I was happy to pay it (I bought the boxed version). I could upgrade for $9.95, but I'll most likely wait and buy the new boxed version with the printed manual (the last one was worth the price).

Safari (like Sherlock) is a nice free-bee with your new OS, but OmniWeb (like Watson) is still better in my opinion.
soulseek said:
let me ask. this google search feature appearin in every browser .. camino, omniweb... wasnt it a safari-first ???
its just nice seein that many browsers are copyin safari, a 1-year old browser.!!!

Well, the first time I had heard about the google search feature in OmniWeb was in September of 2002... that predates the beta release of Safari as I recall (and would be either OmniWeb 4.1 or 4.2).

As for having an actual address search field, it takes up a lot of space when the main address field can be used for the same purpose. On the other hand, now that you can assign a number of different searches for an extra field, it make sense for it to be there... though it is still taking up a lot of room.

The separate text windows for text fields on pages has been given a tool bar in OmniWeb 5... I'm still wondering why more browsers haven't copied that feature (not that I am suggesting that they do or anything).
chevy said:
Man, it's a beta version !!!

Well, it feels more like an Alpha. The stability is dreadful... it's, at least for me, not usable for even short periods of time. I can't use it for 5 minutes without experiencing a crash / hang, and that's no exaggeration. I understand it's not the final release, but I should be able to use a beta for a reasonable amount of time without it quitting on me. OmniGroup should have gotten more of the bugs out before ever releasing it to the public even as a beta.