new or old iMac Computer icon


Master of Reality
Does anyone here have one of the new iMacs, and if so, I have a question:

On the first "computer" screen (with the partitions and network and stuff) there is an icon on the top. Is the icon of a new or old iMac, because mine has an old iMac and That may be because I copied most of the system and library folders from my old iMac. If you have the new iMac picture, how do I get that? Thanks
Originally posted by fbp_
thats the icon used in osx regardless of what type of computer youre on

so then, it's a complete coincidence that they used the Indigo G3 iMac for the Computer icon, when i really do own and use an Indigo G3 iMac?

makes me feel special.
Here's a neat icon of the new iMac for you. You can find a lot more on
If you want to make your own, I suggest getting Iconographer. Then, use your image-editing app to shrink the image down to just short of 128x128 and cut and paste into Iconographer. You will need to play with masks and such, but you will soon see the potential there for glass, glow and shadow effects.