New PowerBook came with Old OS


Master of my Universe
I just bought a brand new PowerBook G4 550 ... got a deal at MicroCenter, it had been up in the warehouse and everyone forgot about it, well they put it out on the floor yesterday and I just happened to be at the right place at the right time - lucky me!

My question is; I thought Apple resellers re-imaged machines with the latest OS before they sold them? I know it's an older model PowerBook and it came with OS 10.1.2, does anyone know if I can call/email Apple and get the latest OS (Jaguar?) Restore CD's for it? Even if there's a small charge for them? I'd like to get them for future use.

I'm afraid you're stuck with whatever the machine shipped with. Resellers don't open boxes to update older machines with the latest software. Even Apple themselves don't update older machines. Nor do Windows resellers. You can't expect to buy a Windows machine and open the box to discover that the latest OS and application updates have been applied.

Unless you can swing a deal with MicroCenter, I'm afraid you're looking at $129 for Jaguar (or less if you qualify for a discount...Educator, student, government employee, etc.) It's worth it, though.

Sadly, the Apple Up-To-Date program has ended, otherwise you would have got Jaguar for $20.

Even at full price, though, Jaguar is worth the cash.