New PowerMac Design Concept Art


Registered Penguin
After a few sketches, and about three hours in Photoshop, I've made my image of what the new PowerMac (for release with the PPC970 chip) might look like.

There has been a lot of talk about whether it will be called the 'G5' or what, but I've chosen to call it the PowerMacX, highly showing off integration with the Operating System, and a little bit influenced by the Xserve.

The main features I've shown are:

- Brushed Metal, two-tone case, probably with a similar fold-down motherboard side as in the current PowerMacs (not shown). Design and shape losely based on the Xserve.
- Aqua objects ontop of the Brushed Metal box - such as the glowing Apple logo and the glow around the Optical drives.
- Apple-logo power button that glows when turned on.
- Easy to access vital ports; Headphones, FireWire, USB, AirPort Extreme/Infrared transmitter-receiver.
- iPod-like screen on the front, registering output from the Operating System and the case itself. It shows the version of the OS in operation, the Long Name of the user operating the computer, the RAM amount, the clock speed, temperatures inside the case, system use, etc, etc. Changing between these is made simple by a button beneath the screen which cycles through screen layouts defined in the SystemPrefs inside the OS. The screen should show a black-and-green version of the boot screen if possible, purely for the novelty value. It would have to be in frequent communication with programs like iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie, and QuickTime, showing real-time information on what that program is running, such as track information and elapsed/remaining time for iTunes, or the filename of the Photo being shown in iPhoto, etc. Shown, the left and right channel output, calculated preferrably outside iTunes, such that any sound would be visible on the Spectrograph.

Tell me what you think!

Well, without further ado:
Originally posted by texanpenguin
After a few sketches, and about three hours in Photoshop, I've made my image of what the new PowerMac (for release with the PPC970 chip) might look like.

There has been a lot of talk about whether it will be called the 'G5' or what, but I've chosen to call it the PowerMacX, highly showing off integration with the Operating System, and a little bit influenced by the Xserve.

The main features I've shown are:

- Brushed Metal, two-tone case, probably with a similar fold-down motherboard side as in the current PowerMacs (not shown). Design and shape losely based on the Xserve.
- Aqua objects ontop of the Brushed Metal box - such as the glowing Apple logo and the glow around the Optical drives.
- Apple-logo power button that glows when turned on.
- Easy to access vital ports; Headphones, FireWire, USB, AirPort Extreme/Infrared transmitter-receiver.
- iPod-like screen on the front, registering output from the Operating System and the case itself. It shows the version of the OS in operation, the Long Name of the user operating the computer, the RAM amount, the clock speed, temperatures inside the case, system use, etc, etc. Changing between these is made simple by a button beneath the screen which cycles through screen layouts defined in the SystemPrefs inside the OS. The screen should show a black-and-green version of the boot screen if possible, purely for the novelty value. It would have to be in frequent communication with programs like iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie, and QuickTime, showing real-time information on what that program is running, such as track information and elapsed/remaining time for iTunes, or the filename of the Photo being shown in iPhoto, etc. Shown, the left and right channel output, calculated preferrably outside iTunes, such that any sound would be visible on the Spectrograph.

Tell me what you think!

Well, without further ado:

Hey! You forgot about the rumored new Handles! :p :D ;)

I liked the front monitor and ports... I hope Apple will have at least the ports in front AND behind of the up and coming!? G970... :rolleyes: :D


I was going to add handles, but every time I tried, it made it look either tacky or like the current design...
Tex....couldn't get the image....some warning about not being able to download images directly from netfirms.

Would love to see it though
Hrmph? You can't get it?

It's too big to attach to a message, unless PNGs Zip nicely...

I'm on a PC so I can't SIT it if you use a Mac.

I can upload it to a better host if other people have the same problem.

In the meantime, I can email it or whatever. It's up to you.
Originally posted by Vard
Tex....couldn't get the image....some warning about not being able to download images directly from netfirms.

copy-paste the URL into the address bar (though not in a window that has just failed to load it) - I thought everyone new this by now.

anyway, regarding the design, umm, no offence - but I wouldn't go applying for a job as a designer at Apple just yet.

The screen is an interesting idea, however, as a lot of people would store a min-tower case below there desk, then it would be out of site and a bit pointless.

Also, the positioning of the ports at the bottom of the case would not be convenient for anyone who stored the case below their desk.

Other than that, it umm, is kind of ugly and angular.
HTTP1.1 STATUS 403 Remote Access to this object forbidden This file cannot be directly accessed from a remote site, but must be linked through the Brinkster Member's site.
From the new site you posted.
Directly downloading images is not permitted on the Netfirms FREE plan. If you are the owner of this site, either ensure that this image is embedded in a web page, or upgrade to one of the Netfirms premium plans.
From the old one.
Mine works though :D

About the mockup: it is OK, I don't think it looks "Appley" enough though... The screen in front would be cool, but would it really be useful? I think it would just be a little "Cool" thing, but without much use.
Anyway, it will be fun to see how close you are!
lnoelstorr's points:
a) I'm no professional designer, it's just a possible design showing features I'm likely to want/use
b) Noone is forcing you to use the screen, it's just a novelty, which is the sort of thing Apple is right into. Same with the front ports. Almost every PC case has front-loading USB and/or firewire ports, for obvious reasons. There are still ports in the back, but this way, you can plug your iPod dock in or a digital camera or Thumbdrive into the computer quickly and easily, without reaching around to the back each time. Like I said, noone would be forcing you to use the ports.
c) As for the Angles, I'm taking a page out of the Xserve and PowerBook's books, as those are items which show a direction that Apple is heading.

The next part is likely to sound rude, but don't take it that way, please:

Do you realise that people are able to put their iMacs under their desks? They're not much good to them like that, but it's possible. Does that mean Apple should cater for that? No, of course not.

I do concede that the design is ugly, but I'm just showing you a direction that current products are pointing towards.

I would like to see other peoples' visualisations too, not just yours, everyone. How does yours compare to mine?
Originally posted by texanpenguin
lnoelstorr's points:
b) ... Almost every PC case has front-loading USB and/or firewire ports, for obvious reasons. ... Like I said, noone would be forcing you to use the ports.

Don't get me wrong. I think the idea of having ports on the front of the machine is a very good idea, it's simply the positioning I wasn't so sure about. I'd have thought they'd be much better positioned towards the top of the case. Though maybe they could be attached to a panel that could be easily moved to the top, middle or bootom of the case depeding on whether you had you case on or below your desk, and what you used the ports for most.

c) As for the Angles, I'm taking a page out of the Xserve and PowerBook's books, as those are items which show a direction that Apple is heading.

I don't think it's a 'direction' Apple are heading in. The PowerBook isn't really angular anyway, and like the Xserve, it is the shape it is to suit the purpose it provides.

The Xserve is designed to fit a standard rack, there are few shapes it could be. Also, Apple have done a fantastic job ontop of that to keep it looking sleek and stylish.

The next part is likely to sound rude, but don't take it that way, please:

Do you realise that people are able to put their iMacs under their desks? They're not much good to them like that, but it's possible. Does that mean Apple should cater for that? No, of course not.

Don't worry, it doesn't sound rude, it just sounds like a an entrant for the 'Most Stupid Argument Ever' competition.

I mean, for Christs sake, of course people CAN put an iMac under their desk, however I suspect very very few people DO put it there. Of course they don't, because, as you said, they not much good to them like that.

I would however suspect that probably at least half of all powermac users have their computer below the desk to free up extra desk space. Should Apple cater for them - of course they should!
lnoelstorr - yes, it wasn't the world's most thought out argument I'll admit. However I'm yet to see a case with ports at the top of the tower, basically because that way anyone who does use it on their desk beside their monitor has ugly cables hanging down from the top of their boxes any time they plug something in. It's just not logical. Removable/movable sections are not likely to ever be seen in hardware cases on Macs, basically because it means opening it all up and changing the cables that connect the ports to the motherboard.

Phatcactus, metal is the feature of both the PowerBook G4s and, as dlloyd said, the Xserve. They are both brushed, but they don't look quite like the brushed metal on my concept, since they are actually affected in an actual way by light and things. I took the brushed metal style from the way the software-based metal interface looks - and even then, I used a, no doubt, simpler system for generating the effect (gradient, grayscale noise, transparency lock, motion blur).

I am still curious to see other peoples' concepts.
For some reason, I am clicking to the following links but they don't work. Either e-mail it to me or post a working link please.
You have to copy/paste the url into a NEW window.

This bypasses NetFirms and Brinkster's little no-referral code.
i think the next design of the Powermac is going to be somethign like the base of the iMac: compact and round. Goodbye ugly BOX !
No. I'd bet against that.

If it was like that, it loses its purpose. PowerMac is all about expandability, power. It's like the exact substitute for a high-end PC, only a Mac.

People who want prettiness will use an iMac.
Pretty neat. But, no way is apple going back to the box. All bets are on rounded, steamline design with a much smaller footprint. Also, no distinguishing colors will be used. You might have the brushed metal thing right, but I doubt it. Most likely apple will keep the xserve look solely guessed it! Do yourself a favour... think outside the dreaded BOX.


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