New PowerMac Design Concept Art

Well, I think we're touching on an interesting question: Does Apple reveal a metallic Desktop system or will they stick with the plastic designs similar to what they currently have?
Heh, Ape, that's classy.

I was actually debating over making it a big three-dimensional Apple logo :). Like a half-chewed Apple on your desk :).

That'd be too classy.
penguin, here's my problem viewing your picture.

I can download it, bypass the blocks, whatever, just fine. However, I can't then open it on my computer: IE doesn't recognize it, anything Quicktime gives me an error message, and I don't have anything else on here due to insurmountable prior circumstances that can open it. I suppose I could download Graphic Converter, but it would be nice if you posted that pic as a JPEG.
Okay, ignore that last post. I got it to work.

I think I have almost that same computer sitting right here in front of me. They used to sell it as a Power Macintosh G3, the beige kind. I don't think Apple is going to go back to that old boxy shape. I like the screen on the front of the machine (it's useful to anyone because it tells some vital info, even if the computer's under the desk; just peek down there and look if you have to know) and having ports on the front; I think they would work well at the bottom or, even better, on the side. If the machine's under your desk, you shouldn't care if you have cables hanging off something; however, you want to have the least distance between your computer ports and your device. In any case, if the tower's under the desk, you'd have cables coming up the front if you plugged them into the front; the bottom may be a good place after all because it keeps the cables low to the desk when the computer is on top.

Apple could introduce a new shape of computers, based on the concept of the Cube: the Cylinder. It's just like the Cube except cylindrical. There's actually no reason, so it won't happen. However, I don't think they'll go back to generic box.
Well it has to have a basically boxy shape, just like the G4 and G3s had, but they had something else aswell, a bit curvy, a bit abstract.

Thing is, though, Apple certainly appears to be phasing out the curves in their newer Power models, and, to an extent, in their home-user products.

By that, I mean, compare a new PowerBook to my one (an old WallStreet - black and curvy - the one that Carrie on Sex and the City uses). It's changed alot, no?
Look at the new iBooks, compared to the old clamshells. It's alot boxier too.

Thing is, the PowerTower (as I call it) hasn't changed shape. It's still a clamshell iBook. Following the trends that Apple has started to set, it just seems natural that it's becoming a box again.

But I really, really want that screen :). Stolen right off the iPod, you'll notice :).
The screen thing would be too cool! Maybe, they could implement a recessed dock for the ipod. And upgrade the ipod to pda status. Wich would make it possible for the ipod's screen to display system status, temp, dancing girls and so forth.
The iPod will NEVER be a PDA. It is NOT a Newton. It is an mp3 player, and it's expensive enough as it is.

But yeah, maybe if you could use an iPod's screen in lieu of the screen on the front of the PowerMac box itself, so you could have the dock on the table and get the advantages of the screen up on your desk.
The iBooks and Powerbooks are certainly becoming more rectangular than they used to be, especially the iBook, but they still contain subtle curves and they look much more professional than their ancestors (at least the iBooks do). Apple isn't going to go to hard edges and straight lines with their next tower design, I'm sure; they will probably do something sleek and elegant like the iMac, iBook, and Powerbook before it.

Just look at the eMac. It's based on the old iMac, yet it has a somewhat refined design to contain the CRT tube. It's got straight planes and smooth curves... oh no! The world is ending!
Sorry for the shameless bump.

I just thought it was interesting to look at the design now that we know the truth.

Well it was metal, that's for sure, and it WAS a box, but it has those classy perforations and handles/feet.

I wish it had that screen, but in the same breath, I don't know that it would have suited the eventual design at all.

Still, for those of us who are curious - have a look :).