New PowerMac Enclosure?

Beautiful as always, but how quiet might it be?

For my home machine (a DP 867) I cut a hole in my office wall and dropped the tower in another room and ran cables. The new machines are CRAZY loud.
Dude, you must not listen to music on your computer! I've heard music professionals do that, but you really cut a hole in your wall? :p
After I got my first iMac, I became obsessed with quiet computing. The hole in the wall really isn't a big deal. A little drywall and spackle will clean that up when I move. Next will be the work machine, which is a bigger ordeal given the room layout. Sure, music covers it sometimes, but I don't always feel like listening to music. And plus, at this point it's just the principle of the thing. I want my computers to be silent, damnit! I encourage anybody with the ability, layout and desire to plow a small hole (like 3 inches diameter) in your computer room wall and dump that noisy-ass box in another room. The only drawback is occasionally having to walk around to put in a CD or something, which is rare for me. OK, uncommon.
I love my nearly silent flat panel iMac. Sure, it may not be quite as fast as the Power Macs, but. . .

Shhhhhhhh! :)
Originally posted by bubbajim
hazmat's right.. I swear that in the right light and angle that fake pic looks just like windows2000 'recycle bin'

A lamp for the cube and a trash can for a desktop. What will the laptops resemble?

The laptops were actually the first to represent an insignificant object; the first iBooks resembled toilet seats :rolleyes:
Heehee.. I forgot about thoses iBooks.

I can see it now. Dude sittin' on an iBook, pulling the light cord on an iMac, tossing a TabletPC on top of a PowerMac.

And don't forget the I mean the Garage Door Clicker!!:D
Well, fake or not, very nice pic, I like it. Maybe it can be used as a DVD player replacement. (Competition to M$ media OS). That would be a nice addition next to my TV :)
Good point bubbajim! Now that you think about it, I got a 10 gig garage door clicker for xmas ^^ wow how many frequencies can it store ^^:;
That's what I think of my 20gig'er .. I figure I could store all the setting for the neighborhood and drive down the street raise everyone's garage door. That and play music of course..
Originally posted by dktrickey
I love my nearly silent flat panel iMac. Sure, it may not be quite as fast as the Power Macs, but. . .

Shhhhhhhh! :)

i have an iBook, and do too love the QUIETNESS of it! ... its brilliant! .. now i leave my PeeCee on at nite, and the stupid noise of fans bugs me stupid! It's only a K7 900Mhz, and its Sound Friggin loud! ok i've got used to it, but sometimes i turn it off, and my iBook sits there, silent, its great! Anyhow getting to the point! Is this iMac's Quietness comparable to the iBooks?! I really hope so! :)

I have to say, a Dell machine once impressed me, i couldn't believe a desktop machine was so quiet! ... it still crashed tho! LOL

So tell me, iMac users ... :P

Originally posted by ~~NeYo~~
i have an iBook, and do too love the QUIETNESS of it! ... its brilliant! .. now i leave my PeeCee on at nite, and the stupid noise of fans bugs me stupid! It's only a K7 900Mhz, and its Sound Friggin loud! ok i've got used to it, but sometimes i turn it off, and my iBook sits there, silent, its great! Anyhow getting to the point! Is this iMac's Quietness comparable to the iBooks?! I really hope so! :)

I have to say, a Dell machine once impressed me, i couldn't believe a desktop machine was so quiet! ... it still crashed tho! LOL

Try a Power Mac. Loud as hell. Mine at home is much louder than my Dell at work. I don't think the Dell has ever crashed, and I never shut it down.
Originally posted by milhous
ditto on the noise of the PowerMacs. My QS 867 is one loud beast!

I rather hear the hum of my 867 than the one I built... which was an AMD 1.67 Gighz
Dont the Dual 1.25 ghz ones have like the back lined with fans, not to mention fans on the front that blow out of the little dash things as well?