New processor cooling system: paves way for Powerbook G5?

For PowerBooks based on G5 wait until the end of next year, at earliest! :D

As for those Dual G5/3GHz I hope that they will not come before the summer of 2004 because my Dual G5/2GHz isn't yet anywhere near me :p :o

It's not bullshit.

As long as liquid-cooling systems have no way of puncturing and spilling their contents, computers should definitely use them instead of loud, large fans. If they can fit a processor architecture that requires a 40% larger tower into a 1" thick laptop using this technology, I don't see why they wouldn't, eventually.
Yea, the cooling system itself is real enough, but they wouldn't have to mention Apple at all.
Actually with the success of the laptop line for Apple, it makes perfect sense for the company to explore unique ways to cool the 'tops and offer more punch, a la the G5.
Don't think Apple could have a field day announcing a liquid-cooled G5 PowerBook?
I really hope Apple has picked a winning horse with this one. If it holds water (forgive the pun) this could be really cool (I've got to stop with these darn puns:D ).
Originally posted by Randman
Actually with the success of the laptop line for Apple, it makes perfect sense for the company to explore unique ways to cool the 'tops and offer more punch, a la the G5.
Don't think Apple could have a field day announcing a liquid-cooled G5 PowerBook?

Well, yes, but I understand this cooling system as it has to be integrated with the processor itself. Hence Apple don't really have anything to do with it yet.

And mentioning the "G5 is expected to hit 3.2 GHz by a Q2 2004 timeframe" just exposes the writer's lack of research. Steve Jobs said in September that they'll have the 3 GHz G5 by "late summer" 2003. That's practically a three month delay from his original "one year" statement in June.
And, as I've mentioned several times before and explained to the last technical detail, the G5 actually runs cooler than the G4 per performance. A G5 PowerBook wouldn't be any problem, the issue is of course Apple's resources and market interests. It wouldn't be profitable to release a G5 PowerBook at about the same time as the desktop. That'd limit both desktop G5 and portable G3/G4 sales.
I would think that the G5 PB would get a new look, and the whole line has been just updated: hence I think we are stuck with current processors and form-factor for a while, at least a year or so. However, bumps can be expected: faster G4, faster bus, more RAM, better graphics and LCD etc. Not entirely a bad thing ...
Clock for clock the G5 is cooler than the G4, but at it's current 2GHz clock speed, it's hotter than the latest G4.

I believe it's possible that IBM could be looking into this as it must be done when the processor is manufactured, by what is said in that article.

But, they'd probably need a high volume of water/coolant to actually cool that thing, so who knows how faesable this could be in a laptop.
Well, they could do the same thing as the Intel Centrino. The clock speed is lower, but with the better architecture, you get better performance, better battery usage, and lower heat. You can then distinguish between a desktop and a notebook.