New superdrive in mac mini not detecting


My old superdrive in my mac mini stopped reading cds and dvds and just spat them back out, so I bought a new drive - a Matshita UJ-815-B. This differs slightly from the old one - UJ-835CA, but almost the same spec. I've installed it, but it's not picking up the drive in os x, nothing appears in the system profiler. Power is definitely getting to the drive through the daughter board its directly connected to, because it pulls the cd in and spins it. Not sure how to get it working, does it need different firmware? Any ideas appreciated
Come to the conclusion its not going to work with the mac. It's not built to apple specifications (even though it's the same model number that apple have used in the past), tried updating the firmware but os x won't accept the drive as an original. Selling it on ebay and getting one manufactured for apple.