"New" things in Ten Ten


From the C|Net article:

One change in the public beta had content opening within the same window. "But it now behaves like Mac OS 9 in that when you click on something it spawns a second window," Schiller said.

That had darn-well be user defined -- I've been waiting YEARS to get rid of all the stupid spawning windows. If it's not user configurable, I'm going to be writing one hell of a nasty email to somebody.

Another streamlined feature kept disk drives from automatically showing up on the Aqua desktop, but they now appear by default as in Mac OS 9. Other Mac OS 9 throwbacks include an Apple menu bar on the left side of the desktop, which, among other things, offers access to recent applications and Apple's Location Manager. Apple also moved the clock from a toolbar-like feature called the Dock back to the menu bar.

Notice the phrasing "streamlined feature" in the above paragraph -- the whole point of removing stuff from the desktop was to elimate the rediculous clutter that spawns everywhere. This had better be configurable -- I HATE having that stuff on the desktop.

"We've got a feature called 'Get Software' that will point you right to the Web site on the Mac OS X page to learn about the third-party software," Schiller said.

In one of the more significant changes, Apple is closely tying Mac OS X to its Internet suite of services, iTools.

"Right as you set up your machine, as part of the start-up experience, it will ask if you have an iTools account or set one up for you," Schiller said. "Now on the toolbar on the Finder you click on an icon and boom, up opens your iDisk. It's just completely integrated seamlessly."

Well, finally something I can cheer Apple for. yay!
I hate spawning windows as well... a waste fo clicks to close them (or command-w s if you use the keybaord like I do).... I hope these are configurable....

In all the articles about OS X final I hvae not seen ANY mention of what languages are going to eb included ..... just gonna have to wait and install it :-p

From build 4K73...

>>But it now behaves like Mac OS 9 in that when you click on something it spawns a second window<<

If you've got the "shelf" displayed, a double-click opens the folder in the same window. If you hide the "shelf," then you get a new window with the double-click.

>>This had better be configurable -- I HATE having that stuff on the desktop.<<

A simple finder preference - "Show disks on the desktop" - turns it on and off.

>>In all the articles about OS X final I have not seen ANY mention of what languages are going to be included <<

I'm pretty sure this is somewhere on Apple's site, but they are English, Dutch, French, Nederlands, Italian, Japanese (I think), and Spanish. There are tons of keyboard layouts, too, including Dvorak.

I'm assuming these features all made it into the final. I don't have the build, but I have gotten to spend some time with it.

Originally posted by AdmiralAK
I hate spawning windows as well... a waste fo clicks to close them (or command-w s if you use the keybaord like I do).... I hope these are configurable....

You know about holding the option key while opening windows in the finder, right?

If you don't, here's what it does: it closes the parent window. I've been opening 9 out of 10 finder windows this way since system 7. (I'm twenty, and yet I can remember being excited about upgrading to system 7...shouldn't I have just been thinking about New Kids on The Block back then or something??).
I know that trick...have known it for some time know, but.. I always use my other hand to grab my coffee mug and drink something while I am clicking he he he ;)

on a more comical note:
MacOS Ten Ten ? Does anyone know that french cartoon character that has a dog called milou, and a captain friend going around solving mysteries ???? Isnt he named Ten Ten ? ( At least in the greek translation that what he was called :-p)

his name is Tintin, he is a reporter.
His dog is Milou, and his friend "le capitaine Hadock"

I know those names are different in the English translation...

The author was from belgium : Hergé
I can't find the My Computer icon either.

Windows X sucks.


PS If you are at this very moment preparing to flame me, hold off, take a deep breath, and realize this was a joke. See, don't you feel better?

Actually i had a question - does anyone know about the support for Intel machines, and whether or not that is still something on the horizen for OS X? While I would never in a million years consider purchasing (or even accepting for free, unless it had Linux on it) a Wintel box, it would be a great gag to sneak over to my friend's house and install X on his clone machine without his knowledge. In fact, I'd like to do that to every IBM user I know. I'm the stealth ninja OS X installer!

As I said elsewhere in this board n the subject of OS X on intel....
Aint gonna happen (not unless apple moves to an intel base.... :-p which aint gonna happen any time in the next 50 years LOL)

Actuallly I believe it's pronounced

ten dot o

not ten ten dot o, not X ten dot o, not X 1 dot o

just plain and simple ten dot o

I think they show it as "Mac OS X, 10.0" for anyone who doesn't realize that the X means 10, so they add the extra 10.0 at the end... not that this matters at all whatsoever I just thought I would give my thoughts. but like strobe said, call it what you want, whatever you call it it's still going to be a great OS. peace
Originally posted by aarontrip
Actuallly I believe it's pronounced

ten dot o

not ten ten dot o, not X ten dot o, not X 1 dot o

just plain and simple ten dot o

I think it should be either
Mac OS 10.0
Mac OS X 1.0
Mac OS X.0 :-)

and not
Mac OS X 10.0

Two "10" in it sounds stupid to me...

And I definitly think it should be called Mac OS [eks] rather than [ten], because it is another OS, not like jumping from 8 to 9.
The Apple marketing people should not sniff so much on their Tip-Ex bottles.
A major version number just gives Apple and excuse to charge for upgrades when all they are doing is upgrading pieces here and there.

I'll just call it OS X |-)