New to Mac; Lost Disk Utility


I switched a month ago from win to Mac. Still using Tiger, though I have the disk to upgrade to Leopard.

I've asked for help on the Apple forum without luck. Hope someone here has advice.

When I tried to install a printer I discovered that "Disk Utilities" has disappeared from my applications. I've deleted things by mistake before, but nothing like this.

Is it possible to reinstall just the utilities without having to do a restore? My restore backup is a week old and I've done a lot of customizing since then. I used Super Duper. If I can't reinstall the utilities, maybe I can pull just that from the cloned disk?

Or is there a feature to restore/repair from the original disks and not erase?

Hoping you can help!
Well Disk Utilities resides in /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility. To add printers go to /Applications/Utilities/Printer Setup Utility.

To get specific things from Install Disks or Install Packages get the shareware Pacifist.
Since Disk Utilities is missing, I can't use it for printers.

I found out about Pacifier from my book: Mac OS X (The missing manual), and it goes through the routine of extracting and installing the package, but the app link doesn't work. I tried extracting it into a separate folder on my desktop and everything is there, but I don't know how to get the app to start it.

Was just in the process of sending an email to the developer of Pacifier. If he can get my program running, I will be delighted to register it even though it works without paying for it!
Just in case someone else has a similar problem and needs to reinstall, after I got to the step where I choose where to install the OS off the install disks, I choose the one where you archive and install.

I hadn't realized I lost ALL the programs under my App>Utilities folder. All my settings and installed programs remained intact after the re-install.