New to Mac OS; couple questions...



I just recently got my first Mac, and I had a couple general questions about Mac OS X. (I'm running 10.3.3 on a PowerBook G4.)

I like using Safari for web browsing, but I'd like to disable the feature that auto-completes URLs that you input. I've looked around in preferences but I can't find anything that will disable this. Not a big deal, but I'm used to having it disabled in IE for WindowsXP.

Also, for anyone using a PowerBook with AirPort Extreme card; is there any way to adjust settings for maintaining a network connection under different laptop conditions? For example, I'd like to be able to close my laptop, but maintain a connection to the internet.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Welcome aboard. Preferences, autofill will help you on the safari side. Also, check out pithhelmet and safari enhancer apps (deactivating cache will help you along).
As far as connecting, do you mean shutting your screen down while staying online?
As far as I know, you cannot close the iBook and have the internet connection stay live... closing the iBook will put the iBook to sleep, and as far as I know, you cannot maintain an internet connection while in sleep mode.
Welcome, Syphon!
This application (and others like it) might help.

Search on "". "" is also a great sight!
Randman: i cant find the autofill option in safaris preferences. am i blind or did you mean that it were somewhere else?
Thanks for the warm welcome.

I de-selected all three options in the AutoFill tab of Safari preferences, but it still auto-completes URLs. I guess none of those three pertain to URL auto-completion. It's not too big a deal; I wasn't sure if maybe there is a "system-wide" option for auto-completing.

I'll have to try that SleepLess program; it seems like it does exactly what I want. Thanks a lot for the link.


**Careful: Apple doesn't recommend running the iBook with the lid closed. Could damage the machine.

Safari Enhancer now has a feature to customize the number of history items stored in memory/cache, and since the URL autocomplete works off of Safari's history (evident by clearing the history, then partially typing in a "historical" URL and see that it doesn't auto-complete anymore), I assume that setting the history to 0 would eliminate the annoying URL auto-complete:
Hmm, maybe it's from Safari enhancer (which I got to deactivate the cache), but under preferences, between tabs and security, I have autofill. Clicking on that lets me toggle 3 options: autofill web forms using [] address book; [] user names and passwords; [] other forms.

I have the first 2 checked and leave the third off as I've been doing some online job-hunting and filling out all the forms was causing Safari to overload and crash sometimes.

That said, it's another reason to get Safari Enhancer.
The computer dont get too hot if you just close the lid for short times. Like if you are doing something you dont want others to see, you can with that application close the lid and then when they have left the room open up again without having lost the connection. Or when you carry it around in your home etc.
But i wouldnt leave it on in that state during the night or anything. keep a close eye (or finger) on the temperature! Maybe this application can help: or maybe this:
Just FYI, the "autofill" preference in Safari has nothing to do with auto-completion of URLs. You can check and uncheck autofill preferences until your fingers bleed and you'll not have one ounce of impact on the URL auto-completion thing.
I tried Safari Enhancer and changed the history settings to 0, but URLs still auto-complete. I don't think URL auto-completion works off of Safari's history, only because it won't auto-complete a URL unless it has already been typed in at an earlier time. If you clear your history and type in a URL for the first time, it won't auto-complete it, but it will auto-complete the URL on any future attempts.

It's not a big deal; I've just always had a problem with URLs auto-completing when I don't really want them to.

Thanks for the help.