New to mac + some questions


"Hey guys....."

thanks alot guys you all really helped.

however i seem to have one more problem. on my external drive, it says that i can read only when plugged onto my mac. i cant delete or move files on the mac but on the PC i can. Does this have to do with the fact that the drive is in NTFS or what? is there any way to fix
Hey guys, I jus got the new black macbook yesterday and i really love it. It has 1gig of ram, 100 gb hard drive and i think its actually faster than my old desktop which had a AMD FX-57 with 2 gigs of ram and 74gb WD raptor. My only regret with this macbook is that it cant play Couter Strike 1.6, Source and Day of Defeat: Source but i guess i can live with out that lol.
Oh well, but probabaly come to Mac if it hasn't already
now with the questions.


i was wondering if there were any other media players for Mac like winamp? cause i really hate Itunes. I tried VLC but i dont rly like it to much.
I hate winamp and love iTunes, sorry
Question #2

Accidently i deleted Quick Time (or i think i did). i checked in the apps. folder and it wasnt there, also in the dock. So i was wonderin if it was possible to d/l quick time again with out d/ling Itunes at the same time.
Quicktime will be in your system because a lot of things such as your desktop pic rely on it, if you can't find the player check your trash can or use system update it may see it gone if not goto apple quicktime
Question #3

Are there any pop-up blockers for Mac and if there are which is the best? cause theres this one forum that i go to that is like a breeding ground for pop-ups and Safari doesnt block them.
I think firefox does a good blockup stopper
Question #4

Is Mac really virus/spyware and all that crap proof? Should i worry about that stuff or will i be fine?
yes, but if you worry about sending viruses to windows friends, use clamx
Question #5

I had a hardrive on my old comp. that i used just for music, picture, videos, and movies. I bought an external case for it and set it up and connected it to my mac. everything shows and i can open everything except in the music section. i have my music seperated by genre and there are 2 or 3 folders that i cant access. its like they are hidden because they dont show up at all. how ever when i connected my drive back to my pc they appear and are functional. is there any way i can fix this?
are they protected?

Question #6

Is there winrar for Mac, or anything similar?
Ha nope, use simplyrar

help would be greatly apreciated.


My only regret with this macbook is that it cant play Couter Strike 1.6, Source and Day of Defeat: Source but i guess i can live with out that lol.

Sadly, the Counterstrike engine was never completely ported to Mac. Lucky for you, you have a new MacBook... if you want to install BootCamp, and install Windows on your MacBook, you could run it. Depends on how bad you want to play Counterstrike.

Q1: Media players... you hate iTunes? Worry not, there are alternatives... search or for mp3 audio players.... one of my favorites is Audion, although, it isn't supported anymore... but there are plenty, including Mint, and quite a few others...

Q2: You deleted the QuickTime app.... which... is kind of a problem. lol. Search for "QuickTime" on your drive... otherwise, you'll have to do some fooling around using an app called "Pacifist" to yank it from your system disks... doable, but annoying.

Q3: If you download FireFox for Mac ( ), not only does FireFox have a great built-in popup blocker, but there are great free plug-ins that address other popups, too.

Q4: Virii and CrapWare: You're probably just fine. There isn't much to worry about in this department. Although, be wary of Microsoft Office documents (if you run Office), as they can contain macro viruses... but basically, nothing to see here.

Q5: Hidden folders... if those folders start with a "." then they will not appear on the Mac. Rename them without the period and you'll probably be fine.

Q5: WinRar... This is not really my expertise, but if there's a compression format, Stuffit will do it. It's been around on the Mac forever....

Also, I'm pretty sure Rar is actually supported in Mac OS X via the command line.... Hmmm... I'm sure there's some free utilities out there. is your friend. ;) All your software needs.

Enjoy your new Mac!
Just to add a few points to adambyte's answer:

Q5: If their names really start with a ".", you can rename them on the Mac as well. You'll either need to use the command line ( or let the Finder show all files. You can allow the Finder to do this via "Tinker Tool". You'll find the free version on I'd set the Finder back to only showing "normal" files afterwards, as showing all the UN*X stuff can lead to problems. (I.e.: Some users occasionally trash/move/rename files they shouldn't.

Q6: There are a couple of freeware tools that unrar just fine. Again: and are your friend. Look for "rar" or "unrar". I personally use this one (UnrarX).