New WinXP Reloaded "may" be a threat to OS 10.4?

Yes, this is just word play.

The disaster that is Longyawn is starting to become blindingly obvious to Microsoft and this is their response.

Technically, Microsoft have painted themselves into one _huge_ corner and it's going to take nothing short of a miracle for them to pull the fat out of the fire on this one.

If Apple screwed up letting Microsoft get ahead with Windows 95, Microsoft have beaten that screw up by a country mile.

And if the rumors are true, Apple are going to roll out a killer 10.4/5 update that will put _even more_ clear blue water between themselves and Microsoft...
Rebooted... good one. :) They could always call it Shorthorn. It'll be funny if this version doesn't hit the market till mid-2005.
So, this is Reloaded, will Longhorn be nicknamed Windows XP Revolutions? Or Reviled?
They're grasping for that elusive 'cool factor'. They've seen Sony putting it into their products, and Apple have been doing it for years. Even Linux has it in a bizarre and nerdy way.

But sadly for Microsoft, it will always be beyond their reach...
Randman, you are utterly prophetic.

They may well go with Shorthorn [wince :eek:]

So, along with a complete lack of cool, Microsoft now morn the departure of taste going hand-in-hand with credibility...
It always amazes me how a company with, what, 50,000 employees or so, can always fail to make anything quite right. I mean, come on, someone there has to have looked at the interface proposals for Windows XP and said, "What, are you on acid?" Or heard that the next version of Windows after 2000/ME would be called XP (for the "eXPerience") and said, "STFU, you DA." Or something. But I guess the janitor's opinion doesn't count... ;)

Of course, it amazes me how many people there are in porn, but that's a different topic...
Arden said:
It always amazes me how a company with, what, 50,000 employees or so, can always fail to make anything quite right...

Not 'quite right'? The consistently _never_ get it right.

Just _how many_ different ways do you want to close a window?!

Arden said:
Of course, it amazes me how many people there are in porn, but that's a different topic...

What 'Ardon meant to say was: 'it arouses me how many people there are in porn'.

But that's also a rumor.

Only kidding, Arden .. only kidding... :) :D
Yes, um, that too. Shh.... ;)

Hey, Microsoft almost got Explorer for Mac right... 3 years ago. But there are still numerous problems, of course.
Windows re-booted that must be .. and re-formatted. I have never managed to use windows for over 4-6 weeks without re-formatting it anyway. Where`s the news? :D
Arden said:
Hey, Microsoft almost got Explorer for Mac right... 3 years ago. But there are still numerous problems, of course.

Do you think they'll get fixed? Nope!

Doesn't matter to me, though. I'm happy with Safari & Firefox.

Also, if I do need to test my web applications, I fire up Virtual PC.

I've got call in a quote from a pretty famous English writer, Stephen Fry, a huge mac fan. He once said: 'I don't hate Microsoft, I just hate Windows.'

I have Office X, MSN Messenger, Virtual PC, Remote Desktop Connect and they all work perfectly fine...